On last night's radio show, I reported that I had been told something here in New York yesterday, that was "beyond horrifying" to me.  It had to do with the Israel-Hezbollah conflict.   Now, the info that I received yesterday is becoming public: "Unconventional Weapons."   (Hint: It's not nukes.)

The following appears on Social Media this morning:

"Unconventional Weapons" . . . . What does that mean?

I was told yesterday, of an ALLEGED plan to send dispersal rockets containing five kilograms of medically pure Fentanyl over Israel, and thereby wipe out the entire population.  I shuddered when I was told this because, to my thinking, such an act WOULD do what they said: Wipe out the entire country.

Anyone outside as this dispersed, who inhaled just one of the smaller-than-grains-of-sand particles of this hideous drug, would likely be killed by it.  Worse, if he drug got on the skin of anyone, it would be absorbed through the skin and kill them, too.  As such, the ENTIRE POPULATION of Israel could, in fact, be wiped out!

It made me sick to my stomach to hear such a thing.  Not because I have any love for the imposter state of Israel - I don't.   But the mere thought of so many people being killed is completely against my nature as a man.  I don't want such a thing to happen anywhere.  Not to anyone!  Ever !

At that moment, when I was told this, I had a gigantic dilemma.  Do I tell someone in government what I had been told, or do I not?    It seemed to me that if I did NOT tell anyone, literally millions in Israel could be killed.  Yet, if I DID tell anyone, that might compel a nuclear attack BY Israel, which could also kill millions.

So if I don't talk, millions could die.  If I DO talk, millions could die.   What to do?

I decided to remain completely silent.  "Que Sera Sera."  (Whatever will be, will be)   

I decided I would NOT tell anyone.

But I had ANOTHER problem: the law.   If I know of a crime that is being planned, and do not tell anyone - then that can be prosecuted as "Misprison of a felony."  I could go to jail for not saying anything. 

Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 4, anyone who has knowledge of the commission of a felony and conceals it or does not make it known to some judge or other authority of the United States may face fines and no more than three years of incarceration.

So I talked to my lawyer this morning, and asked him.   My attorney told me it is not a felony IN THE UNITED STATES, for some entity in the Middle East to drop Fentanyl on ISRAEL.   

He went on to tell me there is no obligation under US law for me to tell US authorities of an international act like this.  The act has not taken place, I cannot prove it really IS going to take place, I do not know who the precise perpetrators might be - a nation state or  "terrorist" organization - and even if it does take place, it is not within the jurisdiction of US authorities and so I have no LEGAL obligation to say anything.

What about a "moral obligation?"   Do I have a moral obligation to reveal this?  Maybe.  That's where my personal morality and feelings  come into play and frankly, when it comes to the absolutely murderous, racist, apartheid state of Israel, I wouldn't give them the time of day.

Imagine a group of people who are raised from childhood, being taught "non-jews are animals in human form."  That's what they are all taught, from childhood.  It's in their Talmud!   

Imagine a group, raised form childhood, who are brought up to believe it is OK for a jew to kill a non-jew; it is OK for a jew to lie to a non-jew; it is OK for a jew to cheat or steal from a non-jew.   How about the one that teaches jews they can have sex with a non-jew who is as young as THREE YEARS OLD?   Yes, it teaches that!    All these things are taught to Jewish folks from early childhood!

For what it's worth, it is also that same Talmud that teaches there are SIX Genders!  Want to know where all this Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Queer (LGBTQ) comes from?  The Talmud!  Here's the Google search results for How many Genders in the Talmud:

Here, look at the Google Results "How many genders in the Talmud"

So all the sick, twisted, deviancy which is presently wrecking our culture with LGBTQ trash,  comes from the Talmud!

Worst of all, that same Talmud, teaches jews that Jesus "is in hell, boiling in a vat of hot excrement."   That's a heck of thing to say about my Lord and Savior!  Other religions do not teach such hideous things, jet Judaism does teach such things.  Disgusting.

Considering these facts, I have no obligation to do or say anything to help Israel, and I wasn't going to.


This information about a potential Fentanyl attack fits completely perfectly with another story I published earlier this week: China tells citizens to Leave ISRAEL. (Story Here)

All the other countries on earth are actively warning their citizens to "Leave Lebanon Immediately."  But China told its citizens to "Leave ISRAEL immediately."   They are the only country on earth who has issued that warning.   Why?

Well . . . not to put too fine a point on it . . . . where does most of the Medically pure Fentanyl in the world, come from?   Yes . . . CHINA.

Maybe China told its citizens to get out of Israel because China knows about this Fentanyl plan??????   Maybe they know because maybe they might be the ones supplying the Fentanyl??????  All guesses . . . but the pieces seem to fit.

Maybe Israel shouldn't have killed Ismail Heniyeh in Tehran.   Maybe Israel shouldn't have bombed Syria or the Iranian Embassy compound in Damascus.  Maybe Israel shouldn't have perpetrated Genocide in Gaza.  Maybe Israel shouldn't have blown up pocket pagers in Lebanon. Maybe Israel shouldn't continue attacking Lebanon as it is right now?    

It looks now, like Israel doing so many things, to so many people, in so many places, for so many years, has caused the clock to run out of time for Israel.  Maybe - as you read this, it's already too late for Israel.   

If I have just saved the lives of many MANY people by publishing this, giving them all time to flee for their lives even though I didn't want to, I still "did the right thing."   Maybe you can help out with a donation?  It is fund-raising time:


As regular visitors know, once a month, during the final 7 days of the calendar month, I have to reach out to you for support to keep this radio show and web site going.  This month, the costs are $7,606.33. YOU make this all possible!

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WWCR- 100,000 watt transmitter on 7520

All totaled, the expenses this month, given the level of Internet traffic, and the number of Broadcast days, with the extra hour on FIVE Wednesdays, in October, comes to $7,606.33

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This is by design.  Advertisers don't like controversy and nowadays, the truth and the facts, are controversial.

When the Russia-Ukraine crowd wants truthful information about that conflict suppressed, because it is inconvenient for them that Russia __was__ provoked, by NATO, and is rightfully putting a stop to the shenanigans going on at their border in Ukraine, they would use Advertiser Boycotts to silence the facts.

When the Israel-Iran crowd wants the facts about Israeli aggression against Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Iran and now Lebanon to be shut down, they too use advertiser boycotts, to stifle facts.

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This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


Radio Station Info

The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

WBCQ Freq. 7490 KHz and 6160 KHz

WRMI Freq. 5950 KHz and 7730 KHz

WWCR Freq. 7520 KHz



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