The United States just got deadly serious about the Drug Cartels, like the one shown above, in Mexico. The 3rd Brigade Combat Team of the 82nd Airborne Division is deploying from Fort Bragg (a.k.a. Ft. Liberty), North Carolina, toward the Mexico Border.
In addition, the 10th Mountain Division from Fort Drum, NY is deploying with them to create a Combat Headquarters location.
These are COMBAT TROOPS, who are ****NOT*** going for the purpose of "securing the border." These are "Tier 1" Combat troops and THEY are deploying to go after the Drug Cartels.
Just today, Mexican Cartel Smugglers opened Fire on American Hikers in California.
Armed smugglers shot at hikers near Jacumba Hot Springs.
One hiker was shot in the leg and airlifted to the hospital as shown in the photo below:
The smugglers, dressed in all black, fled back across the border into Mexico.
American have had quite enough of incidents like this - and so many more - throughout our nation, because of the Drugs and the Cartels that move them.
Hal Turner Editorial Opinion
The average person has literally no idea at all, how fierce this deployment is actually going to be. The level of force and violence that President Trump is unleashing today is almost incomprehensible.
These troops are the very best combat troops the United States of America has produced. They're not "weekend warriors" or half-assed troops from some third-world cesspool country.
They bring to the battlefield an array of advanced weaponry, unmatched surveillance and reconnaissance, signals interception, night vision, thermography - all supported by "keyhole" satellite surveillance with whatever air-support they need. Air support similar to this:
No matter what the Drug Cartels have dealt with in the past, be it domestic law enforcement, "national police" of some little countries, or even regular army troops from central or south America, they absolutely have no idea AT ALL what is now coming for them.
There is no force anywhere on this planet, and no structure above or below ground, that can withstand the armed force now being sent toward Mexico.
If I was one of those Cartel people, I would take my money and retire somewhere far away. RIGHT NOW. Because if any of them think they can hide, or worse, fight-it-out, they are sadly mistaken. In the end it won't even be a fight. The Cartels . . . . . will simply . . . . . die.
They have no chance. Absolutely no chance at all.
You see, now that President Trump has declared the Cartels to be "Foreign Terrorist Organizations" ----- there are no more rules. There are no laws. There are no national borders. The armed forces of the United States can and will go anywhere they have to, so as to destroy this target.
100,000 of our citizens are dead from Fentanyl, every year, for 4 years! Our purse is being emptied for the dregs of 30 different countries. Military aged men with destinations and orders have poured over the border for 4 years. Sabotage and subversion occur daily all over the country.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is asymmetric warfare. We have been at war since Biden stole the presidency.
The American people took back the Presidency on November 4, Today, we begin to fight back against this asymmetric warfare.
Today, real troops are deploying for real battle. Today, the end is nigh for the Drug Cartels; they're literally dead men walking.
They've been killed. They just don't realize it yet.
I suspect they will, very, VERY, soon.