90 Foot tall Indian monkey man statue unveiled in Houston, Texas

90 Foot tall Indian monkey man statue unveiled in Houston, Texas

The Statue of Union, a 90-ft statue of "Lord Hanuman," has been unveiled in Texas.  It is the third largest statue in the United States.

A statue of a demon? Great.

So much for this having been a Christian nation ...

We also saw the pagan crap at the Republican National Convention (RNC).

It seems to many that those who govern would rather see the country pagan than Christian.

Hal Turner Opinion

I’m more surprised it’s not holding a monkeypox vaccine.  Or, maybe that's the point?  Those who are "vaccinated" are now half monkey?  Or, rather, not fully human anymore?

No, I'll go with the Demon notion.

Yes, I think this is exactly it.

By allowing third world people to settle in a Christian Nation you allow their third world demons into the country.

People should read the two lead booklets from the time of the Israelite conquest, which are more than 3000 years old and were recently found at Mt. Ebal.  These are the books of blessings and curses.

The People of Israel would camp in a valley near Mt. Ebal and the priest would read the blessings out loud (when you follow the Lord).

And when finished the priest would then read the curses to the Israelites, what will follow if the Israelites return to their Baal worship.

America is, like most of the nations of Europe, POST-CHRISTIAN.

You can see the results all around you, and the older you are, the more STARK the MORAL and FINANCIAL COLLAPSE is.

Kids growing up today HAVE NO CLUE, not even an inkling, HOW FAR AMERICA HAS FALLEN.

When I grew up in the sixties into the seventies, you could walk the streets of most neighborhoods - even in Jersey City and New York City, ANY TIME OF THE DAY OR NIGHT, without fear of getting mugged, or propositioned by hookers or dope dealers.

We left our doors and windows open in the hot summers, and never locked them. We left our keys in the car ignition wherever we drove.

Crime, compared to today was virtually UNKNOWN.

I recall seeing a police car in my neighborhood 3 times growing up. Twice for accidents and once for a fire. Granted we lived in the burbs, but our grandparents lived in the city and they were just as safe as we were.

All over the city and suburbs there were EASTER PARADES and the churches were FULL. 

Today there are GAY PRIDE PARADES (sexual perversion is something to be ASHAMED OF,  NOT PROUD OF) and CRIME is RAMPANT.

We have become SODOM & GOMORRAH on STEROIDS, and as violent as Noah's world was, right before the FLOOD.

The two signs of the times of THE END that Jesus warned us were the days of LOT (sexual perversion) and the days of Noah (violence).



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Harold C. Turner

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