200,000 FIRED ! ! ! ! Mass-Firings Taking Place at Multiple Federal Agencies

200,000 FIRED ! ! ! ! Mass-Firings Taking Place at Multiple Federal Agencies

As of 6:30 PM eastern US time today, Thursday 13 February, mass-firings of government employees are taking place at multiple federal agencies.

This is a widespread and fast-developing story - -- check back for updates.

UPDATE 10:06 PM EST --

As reported on my radio show tonight, I have found out that two-hundred-THOUSAND "Probationary" federal employees have been told their jobs are terminated immediately.  

The White House ordered the terminations Wednesday night, and each agency, department, and Bureau of the federal government was given TWO DAYS to carry-out all the firings.  Those firings began in-earnest today, and will finish tomorrow, Friday, 14 February.

Most of the Probationary employees earned about fifty thousand dollars a year.  By firing two hundred thousand, President Trump just saved us TEN BILLION DOLLARS a year in salaries . . . . and more when you factor-in Benefits and Pensions.

Nothing like this has ever happened before in the history of the United States.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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