Desperate residents are looting businesses and robbing people at gunpoint, Maui locals say

Desperate residents are looting businesses and robbing people at gunpoint, Maui locals say

Desperate survivors of the Lahaina, Hawaii fires are looting and robbing people at gunpoint as they wait for food and shelter in the aftermath of the Maui wildfires, Hawaiian locals said.

"There's some police presence. There's some small military presence, but at night people are being robbed at gunpoint," co-owner of a Lāhainā bar called The Dirty Monkey, Matt Robb, told Business Insider.

Robb added: "People are raped and pillaged. I mean, they're going through houses — and then by day it's hunky-dory. So where is the support? I don't think our government and our leaders, at this point, know how to handle this or what to do."

Media outlets reached out to the County of Maui for information about the alleged looting but did not hear back by time of publication.

Residents spoke to local news outlets as they await rescue crews to deliver food, water, diapers, and other necessities, many who lost everything are growing desperate.

Owner of restaurant Coconut Caboose Jeremy Aganos, one of the businesses that survived the fires, told KITV it is "utter chaos" for those seeking aid. His business was attacked by looters, he said.

Aganos set up a GoFundMe for the restaurant's losses.

Another Lahaina resident, Barrett Procell, told the news station he and his wife are now homeless and wearing donated clothes. He said he understands the desperate measures some Lahaina survivors are taking.

"When your children are here starving after almost burning to death and the police won’t let people drive in to give you necessities, you may turn to desperate measures. It is unfortunate people are turning to looting right now, but it’s about helping them and not villainizing them," he said.

An Oregon resident who flew in to provide aid to residents was robbed at gunpoint soon after his arrival, KITV reported.

One user of X, formerly Twitter, wrote Sunday: "Looting happening in Lahaina town. The only thing left from my uncles house was a fireproof safe. Family went to check on the property yesterday only to find the safe has been pried open the last of their possessions gone."

Another user wrote Friday that "looting is out of control."

After the wildfire ravaged Lahaina last week, the aftermath revealed a landscape of destruction.

Thousands of structures were lost, forcing residents to evacuate. Only 3% of the search zone has been combed through by cadaver dogs and crews amidst the ruins, according to Maui Police Chief John Pelletier.



Since before COVID, I have repeatedly told my radio audience they need to "prep."  I have told them they need emergency food, water, medicine to live on, guns, ammunition, communications gear.

I have pointed out that the "masses" (whom I call "asses") do not ever make plans for an Emergency, as seen when a hurricane is approaching a particular landfall.  HOURS before the storm hits - despite days and days of weather warnings - the "masses who are asses" can be seen heading out to stores and gas stations only to find store shelves cleared, and gas stations without fuel.

I have warned my audience so often, I've gotten YELLED AT for doing so; being told "OK, OK, Hal, we get it.  Stop repeating this."

Well, here we are less than one week from a catastrophic fire in one of the wealthiest places in the entire United States, Hawaii, and what's happening?  Those masses who are asses, are robbing people at gunpoint and looting.

This is precisely what can happen in any type of national emergency, like if the US gets hit with nuclear weapons by Russia over our interference in the Ukraine thing.  Or if there is an economic collapse, and stores all have to close because banks have gone under.

Catastrophes take time to sort out, to get through.  But YOU need to eat and live while the mess gets dealt with.  And if YOU are like the "masses who are asses" and don't plan, don't stock-up, don't prepare, then YOU might find YOURSELF in a similar position to those people in Hawaii.

Look, I get it; no one expects a massive wildfire that wipes out miles of a community.  This thing in Hawaii __is__ an extraordinary, and utterly tragic event.


Oh, and one last item . . . the ugliest part of this . . . if you DO NOT own a gun - commence the legal process within your state to lawfully get one.   

And the ugly part:  if you own a gun, YOU had better be ready and mentally able to actually use it.  Because if you are not mentally ready to protect yourself and your family, then those starving looter, will TAKE IT FROM YOU and use it on you.

Prepare.  Now.   Emergency food, water, medicines you may need to live on, a generator, fuel for that generator (store only outside, NOT in your home), communications gear like a CB or HAM radio, flashlights, batteries, shelf-stable foods like rice, pasta, beans, and a way to cook if all the utilities are out.

Robbing and looting can happen anywhere - and it CAN happen to YOU.  Prepare.  Start small if you have to; an extra bag of rice per week, or a couple extra boxes of pasta a week, or a bag of beans a week.  Maybe several cans of Chunky soups.   Some boxes of Chicken/Beef/Vegetable broth or stock.  Something.  ANYTHING.  but get it while you can so you'll have it when you can't get it.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

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