Federal Judge FAILED TO RECUSE over Conflict of Interest in Case ORDERING Trump to Release Federal Funding

Federal Judge FAILED TO RECUSE over Conflict of Interest in Case ORDERING Trump to Release Federal Funding

Judge John McConnell, the federal judge from Rhode Island who ordered the Trump admin and DOGE to unfreeze billions of dollars in federal grants, has a daughter who currently works for the US Department of Education; set to be CLOSED by the Trump Administration!

The daughter, Catherine McConnell, is now a senior policy advisor for the Department of Education and was appointed by  Joe Biden on Feb 14, 2022.

Since a family member may be impacted by the Judge's decision in the case, and the Daughter's job may be affected by any Trump Administration closure of the Department of Education, this is a familial conflict of interest for the Judge.  Judicial Ethics required Judge McConnell to RECUSE himself from considering the case.  He did not.
John J. McConnell Jr., Chief judge of the U.S. district court in Rhode Island, ordered the Trump administration to “immediately restore frozen funding” and accused the Trump admin today of failing to comply with his prior order to unfreeze funding.
It now appears to quite a few people that the reason why Judge McConnell, a Democrat donor and activist, wants Trump to restore funding is because his daughter, Catherine McConnell, is currently employed by the same Department of Education that President Trump and @elonmusk  want to audit and DEFUND.
She was appointed by Joe Biden and now her Dad seems to be misusing his power to protect her paycheck.
This appears on its face (to many people) to be a conflict of interest that Judge McConnell should have recused himself over, but he chose not to.
Judge McConnell never disclosed his conflict. No wonder why he doesn’t want DOGE and the Trump admin to defund the Department of Education. His daughter works there!
Smells like Corruption to an awful lot of people.

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