BREAKING -- PRESIDENT BIDEN has pardoned: - MARK MILLEY - ANTHONY FAUCI - Members of Congress and staff of Jan. 6 committee - Capitol and D.C. police who testified before Jan. 6 select committee.

Now you can be pretty certain that Milley is a Traitor, Fauci KNEW the COVID-19 was made in a lab with Funding he authorized and the vaccine was a fraud that actually harmed people, the J-6 Committee did, in fact, commit crimes, and the U.S. Capital Police were "in on it."

More as I get it.

Hal Turner Personal Opinion

If ever there was any doubt in your mind that Joseph R. Biden is the biggest political piece of shit in the world, as are the nitwits, numbskulls, and douchebags who voted for him, that doubt should now be erased.

Some of the people Biden Pardoned committed Treason.  Others committed Biological Weapons Research in violation of International Bio-Weapons Treaties.   Others committed mass-murder with a phony "vaccine."  It goes on and on.

As for the January 6 Committee, its staffers, the US Capital Police, and the Washington, DC police, don't even get me started as to what those good for nothing pricks did.

Yet not one of them can even be prosecuted for the crimes.

This makes me sick to my stomach.  There's so much more I want to say, but cannot because they'll prosecute me - again.


I'm emotionally working-through the fact that I, me personally, got prosecuted and thrown in federal prison for 33 months, for writing an editorial wherein no one was hurt, no one was killed, no property was damaged destroyed or stolen, and where no one lost any money.   Absolutely NOTHING happened and yet I went to prison on a 33 month Sentence.  That's a hell of thing to happen in a country where its highest law allegedly protects "freedom of the press."

Now, I get to see a group of political garbage, commit actual crimes where police officers and other people committed perjury, evidence was willfully concealed and later, criminally destroyed by Congressional officials and staff, Ashley Babbit was shot dead by an affirmative-action negro cop for no reason at all; a guy funded bio-weapons research calling it "gain of function" in violation of International Bio-weapons Treaties, then pushed a phony "vaccine" which killed hundreds-of thousands, and they ALL get to walk away.   

I wrote words and did prison time; they did what they did and nothing happens. 

No.  This doesn't sit well with me at all. 

My initial thoughts as to what can now be lawfully, peacefully, done are as follows:

Maybe Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, can remove all the January 6 Committee Members who accept the Pardon, from ALL their committee assignments.  Perhaps he can say that as a result of being Pardoned, they have proven they are untrustworthy to wield Congressional Committee powers and as such, they are removed from all Committees.

Maybe he can claw-back their Congressional staff and office Budget, re-assign their office space to a cubicle in the basement of the US Capital.  One desk. One Phone. No staff. No voicemail.

Maybe he can also Order they be barred from any Classified Information shared with Congress on the grounds that they appear to many people to be demonstrably untrustworthy.

President Trump can have staff research every single Military Officer that General Mark Milley promoted, and re-assign them to Barrow, Alaska for . . . .  I dunno . . . . .  Eskimo defense.  It seems to me that by them being promoted by Milley, it stands to reason that they must be as untrustworthy as he was.   Everything and everyone that Milley touched, should be isolated and, if possible, routed out of the Military.

Every weapons program he sought or approved, should be reviewed and potentially canceled.  

As for the US Capital Police and the Washington, DC police, perhaps President Trump can cut-off the departments from accessing the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) databases, and/or revoke fireamrs permits for the entire department?  Maybe Trump can find some mechanism to "de-certify" those departments as it relates to some funding or access to other programs?

As for Doctor Fauci, perhaps Trump can forward evidence of criminality to friendly STATE Attorneys General for STATE Prosecutions?   The federal Pardon cannot prevent STATE prosecutions. 

Maybe Trump can remove Qualified Immunity and allow Fauci to be sued by families of the victims of COVID-19, and the phony Vaccine.   The lawsuits, which could be filed in all 50 states, would Bankrupt him through the cost of defending them.  Since lawsuits are Civil Actions, the Pardon wouldn't matter.   I think Fauci should be left homeless and naked on the streets for the things he did with COVID-19.

Now, I am not an attorney and as such, I am incompetent to render a legal opinion.  So some of the suggestions I made above, may not be legally possible.  I offer theses suggestions with the faint hope that there still be at least SOME consequences for what these people actually did.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





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