UPDATED 12:30 PM EDT -- FLASH TRAFFIC - INTEL -- Terror Attacks inside USA Coming; Cells Allegedly "Activated"

This information is for Subscribers Only --

Intelligence sources with whom I worked during my years with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, have sent me FLASH TRAFFIC indicating Terrorist "cells" which allegedly infiltrated the US through the southern border over the past year, have been given some sort of "Activation" order from the Middle East.

The Intel source claims these cells have allegedly been ordered to commence terrorist attacks in large US cities.

I was not given ANY specific information about which cities, or what type(s) of attacks, or WHEN they may begin, but I have been told this is "credible threat Information."

I am endeavoring to corroborate this claimed info, but I am passing this along to you so you can have better situational awareness when you're out and about.   

Be mentally prepared and make certain you have the personal ability/equipment to DEFEND yourself, your family, and your property, from anyone who would try to do you criminal harm.


 UPDATE 12:30 PM EDT --

I have just been told that HAMAS has instructed their "cells" inside the United States, to attack us from within over our support of Israel with weapons, ammunition, and naval strike force support.


Hal Turner Personal Opinion: Hamas terror cells couldn’t begin to do as much damage as the Democrats have done since the 1960s. Hell, if they try to attack in black inner city areas nobody will even notice anything different than any other day.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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