A very close and trusted friend of mine told me today "Do away with the Subscriber Comment Areas on your web site. You're giving them the knives to stab you; and a lot of these people are never gonna be happy until you're dead. Then, they'll take credit for killing you."
It was a sobering thing to hear told to me.
He went on to say that some of the users in the comment areas are "people who project their self-loathing onto you or others" and that giving them a forum to speak "is like willfully spreading poison, a toxin, on the web site."
The friend told me, "there are some people who are there to only to sew dissent and doubt, to challenge your honesty, in an effort to discredit you."
He said "You're a grown-up, you do what you want. But, I'm telling you: Shut down that User Comments area because all it does is cause YOU to take time to deal with the shit they spew there, and cause YOU emotional pain and worry." He finished by saying " A lot of those people are emotionally twisted; they use public forums to hurt others in any way they can."
I thought you should know what is being said about the Comment Area. I'm considering this advice quite seriously.