"Hundreds" of Los Angeles Fire Trucks, Ambulances, Rescue Vehicles Sitting in LAFD Repair Yard -- UNREPAIRED

"Hundreds" of Los Angeles Fire Trucks, Ambulances, Rescue Vehicles Sitting in LAFD Repair Yard -- UNREPAIRED

With the outbreak of wildfires plaguing Los Angeles, many people are asking why the city/county does not seem to have the resources to fight them.  Turns out, HUNDREDS of fire engines, Hook & Ladder Trucks, Ambulances, and other emergency vehicles, are sitting -- unrepaired -- in a big parking lot.

This week, a Journalist went to the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) Bureau of Supply and Maintenance, to see how many fire trucks are sitting there, broken, waiting for repair.  There are no words to describe what he video recorded:

Literally HUNDREDS of emergency vehicles, many of them Fire Engines, many others Hook & Ladder Trucks, are all just sitting . . . .  waiting to be repaired.  Millions of dollars worth of equipment meant to save lives and property, sidelined, unusable, helping no one. Seems like everyone involved in LA & CA state government does their job poorly and no one cares. 

In fact, LAFD Chief Crowley testified some time ago that roughly 20% of LAFD’s fleet was out of service. In recent remarks, she said the $17M+ budget cut caused the department to lose civilian mechanics who repaired its out-of-service vehicles.  That Budget cut took place in September, 2024 under Mayor Karen Bass.

LAFD Chief Crowley is reportedly a Lesbian;  a  "D.E.I." hire.  Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity.  According to multiple sources inside the LAFD, the Chief has been relentless in pushing her DEI agenda.  Apparently, repairing broken-down fire trucks is not as big a priority as DEI.

It gets worse

In the news conference, the LAFD chief stated they had 100 rigs out of service.

The entire LAFD fleet is only ~185 trucks/engines. So over half their fleet was down at the time of the fire. And if they are running without mechanics due to budget cuts, those numbers will get worse as the lack of maintenance breaks more rigs.

Fire Chief also said they had to cut Mechanic’s when they cut $17+ million from the budget. She went on to say there’s over 100 trucks waiting for repair.  That's more than HALF of the Los Angeles Fire Department apparatus!



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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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