I went to Hospital for Echo Cardiogram this morning; Ended up walking out without it - stupid people

I went to the Hospital this morning for an echo cardiogram because I'm getting pains after the stent and angioplasty on Monday.   I was told to be at hospital by 8:30 to register, procedure at 9:00.  

I arrive. I wait.  I wait some more.  Around 9:05, this dimwit comes up to me and says "My name is XXXX and I will be registering you for today's procedure."

We go to her cubicle.  I tell her, "I was here on Monday and had a stent put in."  

Does that register with her? No.

She asks for my Driver License and Health Insurance card.  I give her the license. 

She begins: "Is you address still . . . ."  Me: Yes, I was here on Monday. (Strike 1)

She asks: Is your phone number still . . . ."   Me: Yes, I was here on Monday (Strike 2)

She asks: Is your health insurance still . . . "  (Strike 3)

Me: Give me my driver's license back.  I'm leaving.

She gives it back.  She asks: "Why are you leaving?"  I replied "Because I don't deal well with stupid people and you, are stupid."

I walked out.

Turns out this Echo Cardiogram thing is a cattle call.  They tell everyone to be there at 8:30 and then you wait.  

Bullshit to that.  I'm not fucking cattle.  If you make an appointment for me, I expect it will be kept. 

I'm not going to spend half a day at a friggin vendor.  They are supposed to accommodate me, I'm not here to accommodate them.

So they blew a few thousand dollars they could have had if they ran a tight ship.




This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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