CONGRESS FUNDED $516 BILLION IN EXPIRED PROGRAMS! You read that right—over HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS was handed out by Congress this fiscal year to programs that aren’t even active anymore.
Where’s the Money Going? Defunct agencies that should have been shut down, "Temporary" programs that mysteriously never ended. A complete list of such items is pending . . . . Here's a Summary from the COngressional Budget Office (CBO):
Wasteful spending with zero accountability.
Why This Is a SCAM:
Congress is funding zombie programs with NO oversight.
Elon and a few young guys on his DOGE Team are having to do the work of 535 members of Congress and the GAO because they won’t do their jobs.
You caught that, right: "No oversight." So . . . . where's all that money going? The agencies are "Defunct" so who is it that's grabbing all the agency's money???? Into WHOSE POCKETS??????
That $516 billion could have gone to border security, tax cuts, or debt reduction Meanwhile, Americans struggle with inflation & skyrocketing costs and the very people who have caused these troubles are openly, actively, publicly attacking President Trump and his DOGE Team which has uncovered this!
Trump’s America First Plan: CUT THE WASTE! Trump has already put government spending under the microscope—and this insanity won’t last under his watch.
It’s time to audit every dollar and defund the swamp!