PANIC BUYING Empties Store Shelves in California as Hurricane Approaches

PANIC BUYING Empties Store Shelves in California as Hurricane Approaches

People in southern California are PANIC BUYING food and water as Hurricane Hilary barrels toward them from the Pacific Ocean.   For days, forecasters have been warning the public to prepare, but the masses - who are asses - waited until the final hours - and find empty shelves.

TV, Radio, Newspapers, and the Internet have been lit up for days warning people the first Hurricane or Tropical Storm to hit California is 84 years, would arrive TODAY, bringin up to ten inches of rain, and 85-100 MPH winds.  

The warnings made clear power lines would go down, flooding would be enormous, wind damage would be unprecedented.  

People were told to prepare: to get emergency food, water, medicines, flashlights, batteries, portable radios with spare batteries.

As the storm got closer, the warning became more dire.  What did the general public do?   Well . . . . they did what the general public usually does . . . . they waited until it was too late.

Store shelves throughout southern California are bare this morning, stripped clean by people who took the warnings seriously.   Now, the majority of the general public finds themselves unable to get emergency food, water or medicines.  Oh, and gasoline . . . .  almost completely gone.

The storm will arrive TODAY.  San Diego appears on track to get the worst of it.   

Flooding will be terrible.  Wind damage . . .  who knows how bad or how far and wide.

When it's all over on Monday, then we'll all get to hear the sob stories about how people don't have food and water.  

We told them to prepare.  They ignored us.

Cry me a river.




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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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