Philadelphia Hit By -- Plane

Philadelphia Hit By -- Plane

Something has crashed and exploded in the city of Philadelphia.  Videos show an object coming out of the sky FAST - many say too fast to be a plane, and a MASSIVE explosion upon impact; too big an explosion to be a small plane.

Videos are literally POURING in showing the incident from multiple angles and something is waaaaaaay wrong with this situation.

Below, in the video, LEFT SIDE, a sizeable glowing object comes down from the cloud cover, and comes down FAST.  Way fast.  Too fast for any plane that I've ever seen.

When it hits, there's a significant explosion, then a much bigger explosion.

Many, MANY, people are saying this does not seem to be a plane, it seems to be something else.

Some folks are saying they think it is a MISSILE.    One video, below, an almost Hypersonic sound can be heard as the object breaks cloud cover and comes down.

Pinning down the location, reports now saying it is near the Roosevelt Mall:

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) saying this was a Learjet 55 small jet aircraft enroute to Branson, MO.

The craft slammed into a block of row houses, many of which are destroyed and on fire.

Numerous casualties.

View from the present ground scene:

View from motorist in restaurant Drive-Through as it happened:


The aircraft that crashed is a Learjet55 that crashed at a ground speed on 245kts per ADS-B data with the aircraft tail registration bearing XA-UCI belonging to Jet Rescue Air Ambulance.


Reports say 6 people on the plane that had just taken off. Two pilots, two doctors, a patient and a family member.

Plane Debris and Body Parts are said to be scattered across Roads and Parking Lots in Philadelphia.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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