Radiation Spike - San Diego, CA People wondering: Was Yesterday's "Earthquake" actually Underwater Nuke Blast?

Radiation Spike - San Diego, CA  People wondering: Was Yesterday's "Earthquake" actually Underwater Nuke Blast?

After yesterday's offshore "earthquake," there is presently a significant Radiation Spike in San Diego, CA, which is now showing 600 Counts-Per-Minute (CPM) of Gamma Radiation in the 800 KeV range; about triple of everywhere else in California.

This reading comes from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Radiation Monitor Network, as being presently reported by the private sector website Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC).

Here is the reading coming from the radiation monitor network:.

Here is the extended Graph of Radiation Readings from this same station over time:

The reason this is peculiar, has to do with yesterday's offsshore, Magnitude 7.0 earthquake, 647 miles farther north, off the shore of Mendocino, CA.

That earthquake took place where you see the large red circle offshore in the ocean on this map from yesterday's United States Geologic Survey (USGS) website:

That "earthquake" has an interesting, and curious "Waveform" on seismic monitors.   Here is what the waveform looked like; focus on the bright red lines on the bottom right seismic scale image - notice they don't gradually build-up to the main quake, they just "explode:"

A number of observers have mentioned that this waveform bears more resemblance to that of an explosion than to an earthquake.  The sudden, and massive surge of seismic waves is *NOT* what one typically sees when a large earthquake takes place.  Usually, there is a small, but visible build-up to the main quake.

On social media, some people actually said this was a nuclear blast off the US Coast.  Here is one such claim:

Which brings us back to the radiation reading off San Diego, 647 miles or so to the SOUTH of the earthquake location.  If this radiation spike had anything to do with the earthquake, why are readings elsewhere in California "normal?"

It ____may___ have to do with the "North Pacific Current."  In fact, it makes PERFECT sense.

The image below, from Wikipedia, shows the generalized flow of the North Pacific Current as it approaches the continent of north America :

Yesterday's "earthquake" took place off Mendocino, right about where the farthest left blue line of the North Pacific Current is flowing!  That current moves . . . . south.

But more importantly, look what happens to that current when it reaches the "bight" of southern California: the current SPLITS.   The main current continues south into Mexican waters but the split loops back north right around . . .  San Diego!

If the "earthquake" was a nuclear detonation, the North Pacific Current, through its "Southern California Eddy"  Which in Winter is called the "Southern California Countercurrent" would bring the radiation into the California coastline, right around . . . . . . . . San Diego.

And THAT is where we are seeing a significant radiation spike today.  Right where the north Pacific Current would bring what was deep water up by Mendocino, into the shoreline area!


We need someone with a Radiation Detector, to head out onto the beach at San DIego, and grab a reading of the radiation level -- especially near the water.

Maybe this Radiation spike in San Diego is . . . . happenstance.

Maybe it isn't.

We need someone to grab some real Radiation readings out there, on the San Diego area Beaches, and email me at: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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