Russia to Supply Weapons to Texas if needed to Fight Biden Border Heist

Russia to Supply Weapons to Texas if needed to Fight Biden Border Heist

Russia may supply heavy weapons to Texas so as to defend itself and its Border from any attempt by Biden to forcibly re-open the Texas Border to illegal aliens.

Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya said publicly : “It is important to understand that by supplying weapons to Texas, Russia does not become a party to the conflict.”

This was a priceless thing for Russia to say given it is the exact language used by the US and NATO when those entities supply weapons to Ukraine, to fight Russia.  Recall too, the entire Ukraine thing started because Ukraine began to use its (federal) troops against two Oblasts (states) Luhansk and Donetsk.  So the parallels between Ukraine/NATO-Russia   and now Texas-Russia / US are . . . perfect.

In one statement by Russia, the entire Texas/Biden Border Heist changed dramatically.

For the Record, I support Texas.


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This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

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