The Shooting Seems to Have Begun; America Heading to Civil War. Democrat Homes Being Shot-At in New Mexico

The Shooting Seems to Have Begun; America Heading to Civil War. Democrat Homes Being Shot-At in New Mexico

New Mexico Police confirm that the homes of at least SIX (6) Democrat elected officials in the state of New Mexico, have been shot-up over the past month or so.  While no one has been injured, it seems America is now rapidly descending into the Civil War that so many have warned is coming.

Albuquerque police announced they were investigating whether shots fired into the homes of some Democrat elected officials and near the offices of others are connected to one another, Police Chief Harold Medina said.

However, he remained tight-lipped on all other details, except to say the suspect is a man under the age of 50. Police confirm they have someone in custody ON UNRELATED CHARGES.  The Chief would not say what he is charged with, when he was arrested, if he was working with anyone else, or where he is being held.

At a news conference announcing the development Monday afternoon, Chief Medina said detectives are still executing search warrants and trying to determine whether the suspect is responsible for all the shootings, or just one.

He said all documents are sealed while investigators build the case.

Police revealed they were investigating gunshots fired at the homes of Bernalillo County Commissioners Debbie O’Malley and Adriann Barboa, and state Sen. Linda Lopez in December and January. It wasn’t long before shootings were also reported to have occurred near the offices of state Sen. Antonio “Moe” Maestas and Attorney General Raúl Torrez.  The department also said investigators found evidence of shots fired at the home of Javier Martinez, the nominee for speaker in the New Mexico House of Representatives.

Medina said investigators “have some ideas as to a possible motive,” but it’s too early for them to disclose anything.

“We have got to solidify some information and we don’t want to compromise any part of the investigation,” he said.

On Dec. 4, Barboa’s Southeast Albuquerque, New Mexico, home was struck with eight rounds.

A week later, on Dec. 11, more than 12 bullets were shot into the walls of O’Malley’s North Valley home. O’Malley was in her final months as a commissioner and is no longer serving on the board.

Then, on Jan. 3, at least eight shots were fired into Lopez’s Southwest Albuquerque home. The bullets passed through her 10-year-old daughter’s bedroom.

Hours after police announced the investigation into the shootings, ShotSpotter gunshot detection technology picked up three shots near the Downtown building where Maestas has his office. There was no damage to the building.

Later that night, APD revealed that detectives were investigating whether gunfire outside Torrez’s campaign office on Dec. 10 was also connected. Torrez had already moved out of the office, which is Downtown on Park NW, after winning the race for attorney general.

Last week, after hearing about the other shootings, Martinez inspected his home in the Valley Area Command and saw that it had been shot up, as well, an APD spokesman said.

“He discovered damage presumably from gunfire heard in early December outside his Albuquerque home,” spokesman Gilbert Gallegos said. “APD detectives went to the home and located evidence of a shooting.”


Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

So who is it that is shooting-up the homes and offices of Democrats, and WHY?  Of course, part of me __should__ think that this is bad conduct that __should__ be denounced. For various reasons, however, I won't say what I think.

I will, however, talk in a general sense about matters political and the redress of political grievances through the use of force.

For a very long time, politicians in general, and Democrats in particular, have been taking actions that strip citizen's liberty and meddle in citizen's affairs.

They did these things, in my view, because they came to the erroneous conclusion "there are no consequences."

Very high percentages of them continued to be re-elected no matter what they did, and it seems that some of them came to the conclusion that Americans were basically push-overs; that citizens didn't have the guts to take up arms against government officials, and even if they did, they wouldn't dare.

Looks to me as though they were wrong.

Now, I have no idea who did these things or why.  I will not, however, condemn whoever did this because I think this has been a long time coming. 

I also think it will not stop in Albuquerque.   I personally think, and this is just my personal opinion, not advocacy, or solicitation to take action, and certainly not any threat by me to do anything because I absolutely will not be engaging in any violence  or crime against anyone . . . . but I think . . . this may be just the beginning.

I wonder if Democrats will get a message from this?

I wonder if they'll figure out that the spirit of resistance to tyranny is still alive in this country?

Are these the first shots of a second American Civil War?  Maybe.  



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