UPDATED 2:23 PM EDT --Tornado Watch for MY Town, AGAIN

UPDATED 2:23 PM EDT --Tornado Watch for MY Town, AGAIN

This is very odd; for the second time in about a week, MY town is under Tornado Watch issued by the National Weather Service.  In fact, all the Yellow shaded areas above are in the same Watch Area for today and tonight!

This morning around 8:00-maybe 8::30, I went out on the deck and took-in the spectacularly beautiful morning.  Sunshine, a few big puffy white clouds, an azure blue sky.  The birds were tweeting.  The creek was babbling.  Utterly beautiful.

I looked at the lower half acre and could readily see I hadn't cut the grass for now the third week.  When I can see it from up on the upper level, that means I've waited too long to cut it.

It's not that I can't cut it when it gets that tall, it's the Field Mice.

As their name implies, field mice make their homes/nests in taller grass.

The problem is that where the mice are, the SNAKES come . . . to feast . . .  on the mice.

So when the grass gets a little too tall, there is a very significant possibility that snakes are out there as well.

I HATE snakes.

So I walked down to the underside of the house to get the riding mower out of the little workshop area I had dug-out and enclosed with T-111.  Nice little work bench, some storage area, and a place for the riding mower.  All shielded from the weather, which keeps the house warmer in winter too.

My son and I installed electric lights and outlets down there last year.  So I can keep the mower battery on charge, which keeps it at the ready, always.

I start the mower, go out and cut the half acre.  No visible mice.  No visible snakes.  Just a few little frogs hopping out of the way as the mower approached.  Good deal!

I ride the mower up to the house level, refill its gas tank from the outdoor storage shed, put the mower away and come back upstairs to have a cup of coffee.

No sooner had I walked in the house, than the sun all but disappeared.  I mean it was like . . . whoa . . . . what happened?

A storm that was apparently stuck for awhile on the other side of the mountain to the west of me, finally cleared the mountain.

Within a couple minutes, it was POURING rain.  I mean   P O U R I N G!!!

No lightning or thunder, just rain.

As I write this at 1:19 PM, that storm is gone, the sun is back out, and now . . . . a Tornado watch.    ARRRGGGGGHHHH.

As it stands now, there is almost nothing on weather radar, but they say the storms will pop-up around 7 and that my area will get slammed between 7:00-8:00 tonight.

Well, if things dry out a little more, maybe I can cut the front lawn on the house level of the property, which is up about twenty feet from the lower level.  If I get that done, I'm good for another week or so.



I just came in from cutting the front lawn.   It's done!    Good gosh am I sweating like a pig.   It is so hot and humid out there now.  It's good to sweat.  Real work, sweat.

Tornado Watch remains:




This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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