UPDATED 6:51 PM EDT -- Trump Indictment - Devoid of Facts; ALL "Crimes" Took Place AFTER He was Sworn-in as President! He WASN'T Running those companies . . . .

UPDATED 6:51 PM EDT -- Trump Indictment - Devoid of Facts; ALL "Crimes" Took Place AFTER He was Sworn-in as President!  He WASN'T Running those companies . . . .

I have conducted an initial review of the Thirty-Four (34) Count criminal Indictment of President Donald J. Trump.  It is devoid of facts, but it DOES show a clear pattern . . . 

The pattern it shows me, is that all of the alleged "crimes" . . .  took place AFTER President Trump was sworn-in to Office.

He wasn't running those companies, he was running the country!

So WHO actually did the things alleged?  

Here is the Indictment (Manhattan D.A. Office)



A "Statement of Facts" for the Indictment of President Trump, has become available on the Internet from TheHill.com (Direct link HERE)

A quick perusal of the document shows me that:

1) The District Attorney is claiming that Trump "buying information in 2015 and 2016" to suppress it, is ILLEGAL "Election Interference" even though there is no state statute law about "Election Interference" and there is definitely no law on buying information and the rights to such information, then stashing it in your basement.  That's called Free enterprise" and, as far as I know,  there's nothing illegal about it at all.

2) Paying someone in connection with a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is now, and always has been LEGAL.   There is no crime here!

3) All the alleged book-keeping "crimes" - are beyond the 5 year Statute of Limitations for Felonies, even though, at best, these were Misdemeanors with a shorter Statute of Limitations.

Of course, I am not an Attorney and therefore I cannot make a competent legal opinion.  So what __ I ___ think, may be different from how the legal system looks at it. 

While I may not be an Attorney, I am also NOT a Swiss Watchmaker.  That doesn't mean I cannot read and interpret a clock.

It seems to me, as a layman, there is no prosecutable crime here.  

I think President Trump should notify the court that he is INVOKING his right to a speedy trial, AND that he does NOT consent to a pause in the timing for that speedy trial, during the pendency of Motions.

This way, the whole thing has to be done and over within about six months.  Otherwise, these left-wing, communistic, bastards in New York will delay this thing literally for years.  Trump cannot allow that.  He should invoke a speedy trial immediately.





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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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