Trump REVOKING Security Clearances ! ! ! !

Trump REVOKING Security Clearances ! ! ! !

President Donald Trump has Revoked the Security Clearances of ex-National Security Advisor John Bolton and intelligence officials accused of misleading 2020 election activities.

The White House says Bolton’s memoir risked exposing classified material and damaged trust in national security discussions.

This order is part of broader measures addressing “abuses of public trust.”

Here is the complete list FLASHED over Intel Circuits:

(1)  James R. Clapper Jr.

(2)  Michael V. Hayden

(3)  Leon E. Panetta

(4)  John O. Brennan

(5)  C. Thomas Fingar

(6)  Richard H. Ledgett Jr.

(7)  John E. McLaughlin

(8)  Michael J. Morell

(9)  Michael G. Vickers

(10) Douglas H. Wise

(11) Nicholas J. Rasmussen

(12) Russell E. Travers

(13) Andrew Liepman

(14) John H. Moseman

(15) Larry Pfeiffer

(16) Jeremy B. Bash

(17) Rodney Snyder

(18) Glenn S. Gerstell

(19) David B. Buckley

(20) Nada G. Bakos

(21) James B. Bruce

(22) David S. Cariens

(23) Janice Cariens

(24) Paul R. Kolbe

(25) Peter L. Corsell

(26) Roger Z. George

(27) Steven L. Hall

(28) Kent Harrington

(29) Don Hepburn

(30) Timothy D. Kilbourn

(31) Ronald A. Marks

(32) Jonna H. Mendez

(33) Emile Nakhleh

(34) Gerald A. O’Shea

(35) David Priess

(36) Pamela Purcilly

(37) Marc Polymeropoulos

(38) Chris Savos

(39) Nick Shapiro

(40) John Sipher

(41) Stephen B. Slick

(42) Cynthia Strand

(43) Greg Tarbell

(44) David Terry

(45) Gregory F. Treverton

(46) John D. Tullius

(47) David A. Vanell

(48) Winston P. Wiley

(49) Kristin Wood

(50) John R. Bolton


Two signatories, Patty Patricia A. Brandmaeir and Brett Davis, are deceased.


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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