"Vaxxident?" Pro Football Player Collapses in Cardiac Arrest During Televised Football Game

"Vaxxident?"  Pro Football Player Collapses in Cardiac Arrest During Televised Football Game

A player for the Buffalo Bills football team, Damar Hamlin, made a routine tackle during a game against the Cincinnati Bengals, got up, then collapsed in Cardiac Arrest on the field last night.  He was given CPR, his heartbeat was restored, and he was taken by ambulance to UC Medical Center where he is said to be in critical condition.

The game was being televised live to a national audience when the incident took place.  Fans in the stadium were shocked at what they were seeing on the field.  Here is video showing how the incident unfolded:

The Buffalo Bills issued a statement:

“Damar Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest following a hit in our game versus the Bengals. His heartbeat was restored on the field and he was transferred to the UC Medical Center for further testing and treatment,” the Bills said in a statement. “He is currently sedated and listed in critical condition.”

Medics at the game administered CPR for what is said to have been nine (9) minutes.  An ambulance was brought onto the field and took him to the local hospital where he was reportedly intubated to breathe.

The 24 year old player is in prime health condition and there seems to be no reason for this to have taken place. The tackle he engaged in was not particularly rough, and he got right back up after it.   As such, a LOT of people are wondering out loud, if this is yet another "vaxxident?"  Did the COVID-19 vaccine cause this young man to drop?

A very significant number of people around the world have been suffering "sudden death" after the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, which are not actual "vaccines' but instead are experimental mRNA genetic manipulation.

Blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, and a variety of other incidents have spiked since the vaccines were rolled-out. Given the tyrannical effort to silence and punish anyone who questioned the new technology, Doctors have taken to saying they are "baffled" whenever a vax death takes place.

"Baffled" then converts to an obituary which says the person "died suddenly."   In fact, it's happening so often, people are even making memes about it:

No one ever points to the vaccine, when it seems clear as day it is actually the vaccines causing all this death and injury.

Of course the National Football League coerced players to get the brand new, experimental jabs, threatening to cut them out of professional football if they did not get the jabs.

Other employers did the same thing.  

Thus, facing the loss of their jobs and their ability to earn a living, many of the coerced gave-in and took the shots.  Now, a LOT of them are dying.

It is a wonder if those who FORCED people to take these shots, ever stop to consider that they were wrong?  Did it ever occur to them that maybe they weren't smarter than everyone else?  Or was their ego so inflated that they actually thought THEY knew better than everyone else?

At some point, the general public is going to start to realize that the COVID-19 jabs are what is killing so many.  When that day comes, the families of those killed may decide on their own, to stop-by and "thank" those who coerced their loved ones into doing something that killed them.

I suspect it will be a very bad day for those holier-than-thou corporate executives if families start coming for them and maybe beating them to death for what they've done.



Reports now coming in saying the federal government has set up some sort of command post facility near the hospital "in case the football player dies."   WTF?

Maybe they don't want people reacting badly to another - but widely publicized - vax death?   

One casual observer to the situation wrote "This will all get special attention because too many people can see plainly it's the vaccine (I believe he just got jabbed 8 days ago, the jig is up)."

Another commenter on a social media forum opined "They have been able to keep the pilots dying in-flight, out of the news. It's hard to keep it out when players are going down on live television.  They can't take the chance of many more."

Maybe they fear Black people will decide the vaccines targeted THEM for genocide?

Want proof of how widespread this is now becoming?   The four minute video below shows how many young, healthy, athletes have dropped DEAD in 2022 as of November.   THIS IS NOT NORMAL.

Now, many of you may be wondering "If this is so widespread, why isn't the mass media reporting it?"   Here's why:

"Sponsored by . . . ." means big pharma is paying a ton of money to the mass media.   If the mass media reports on what the vaccines are actually doing, their sponsor money dries up.




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