Viral Posts Calling for Repeat of Violent French Revolution - Inside the USA

Viral Posts Calling for Repeat of Violent French Revolution - Inside the USA

Leftist echo chamber Reddit is embracing the French revolution in an attempt to resist President Donald Trump. The platform, notorious for its censorship of conservatives, is allowing posts calling for violent political revolution here in the USA.

Specifically they are saying it's time for the style of the French “Reign of Terror” to spread virally in the early weeks of the Trump administration.

“They want 1939 Germany, let’s give them 1789 France” is popping up all over the platform, with “1789 France” spiking in Google searches and on X Radar, a feature on X that lets users monitor keywords and track conversations.

Other people, not amused, are noticing:

The reference to the French Revolution describes the time period between 1789 and the late 1790s, and when French citizens “radically altered their political landscape, uprooting centuries-old institutions such as the monarchy and the feudal system,” notes.

“The upheaval was caused by disgust with the French aristocracy and the economic policies of King Louis XVI, who met his death by guillotine, as did his wife Marie Antoinette,” the site adds.

The historical website goes on to note that while this “degenerated into a bloodbath during the Reign of Terror, the French Revolution helped to shape modern democracies by showing the power inherent in the will of the people.”

It is clear, from numerous postings, they actually want bloodshed:

The French Revolution notably concluded with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte, who seized power in November 1799.

Hal Turner Analysis

This movement on Social media is spreading, and no less than Democrat Congressman Ed Markey from Massachusetts also made news when he picked up a bullhorn over this past weekend, and declared "The revolution against Donald Trump and Elon Musk begins here.  (Story with video Here)

You've gotta laugh about this.   Most of these postings are from kids living in their parent's basement.

90% of the people with these bumper stickers and postings are:

- The 5'10" 110lbs or the 5'1" 310lbs BMI clusters.

- Mentally dependent on drugs and porn

- Physically inactive

- Have never been in a real fist fight

- Triggered by pronouns

And yet they're 100% convinced they're badass.



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