$7,606.33 Fund Raising For October 2024

$7,606.33 Fund Raising For October 2024

As regular visitors know, once a month, during the final 7 days of the calendar month, I have to reach out to you for support to keep this radio show and web site going.  This month, the costs are $7,606.33. YOU make this all possible!

The expenses to run this endeavor include the following:

For this website, Amazon Web Services costs are projected to be $2,336.54

For Connectivity at the primary location in North Bergen, NJ through Verizon Fios $185

For Fail-over Verizon Cellular Data Modem: $35

For connectivity at the Pennsylvania (Bug-Out) location:

ViaSat Satellite Uplink #1:

ViaSat Uplink #2 $167.

Frontier Fiber Optic: $59.95

AT&T Cellular Data $65

Blue Ridge Cable $99

For the Six inbound VoIP Telephone lines for Listener Call-ins: $191.68

The big expense is Radio; 

WBCQ two 50,000 watt transmitters, One on Freq. 7490, the other on Freq. 6160

WRMI - 100,000 watt transmitter on 5950   a smaller, back-up transmitter on 7730

WWCR- 100,000 watt transmitter on 7520

All totaled, the expenses this month, given the level of Internet traffic, and the number of Broadcast days, with the extra hour on FIVE Wednesdays, in October, comes to $7,606.33

I do not have advertisers; not on this site, and not on the radio show.  YOU make this all possible!

This is by design.  Advertisers don't like controversy and nowadays, the truth and the facts, are controversial.

When the Russia-Ukraine crowd wants truthful information about that conflict suppressed, because it is inconvenient for them that Russia __was__ provoked, by NATO, and is rightfully putting a stop to the shenanigans going on at their border in Ukraine, they would use Advertiser Boycotts to silence the facts.

When the Israel-Iran crowd wants the facts about Israeli aggression against Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Iran and now Lebanon to be shut down, they too use advertiser boycotts, to stifle facts.

But advertiser boycotts can't be used against this website or radio show!!!!  This is all funded by YOU.

When the "Woke" crowd wants to push their deviant "Trans" agenda on kids, or the LGBTQ+ nonsense, they hit a brick wall here.

When liberals, progressives, and all their Marxist pals want to push for One World Government through the tyrannical World Economic Forum and their lackeys, they get pushback against their failed ideas, from here.

Then, too, there's the news.  You get real news, VERY FAST, on this site.  News you don't get right away (or at all) from other sources.   Day-after day, the stuff that really matters, is found here.

And so, once a month, I come to all of your to help keep real facts, and real free speech, alive for another month.

Please use the widget below to make a donation with your credit or debit card.

I cannot do this alone.  Without your help, this whole thing dries up and goes away.  Please donate right now.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

Radio Station Info

The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

WBCQ Freq. 7490 KHz and 6160 KHz

WRMI Freq. 5950 KHz and 7730 KHz

WWCR Freq. 7520 KHz



WBCQ on Freq. 7490 and WRMI  on Freq. 7730