About People Using Pronouns "They, Them, We, Us . . . " Just Like the Demons Cast Out by Jesus in the Bible!

About People Using Pronouns "They, Them, We, Us . . . " Just Like the Demons Cast Out by Jesus in the Bible!

There is nothing new under the sun says the Bible, and such is the case today as large numbers of people have begun using Pronouns "They, Them, We Us." In The Bible, after Jesus asks what the demon's name is, he is given a response of, "My name is Legion, for we are many."

It's obvious.  They are using PLURAL pronouns. There's the human person and the demon(s).

Legion called itself "we' because it was multiple demons inhabiting a single person. That's why when Jesus cast them out of ONE man, they fled into an entire herd of pigs. Try reading the Bible!

Demons are from fallen angels. The book of Enoch describes them as Watchers. 200 of them rebelled and decided to intervene in the daily lives of humans. Like mating with them and gave them the secrets and recipes to harm themselves.  They mated with human women which begot "Giants" - men of renown, known as Nephilim; half angel, half human, and mortal. When those mortal creatures died or were killed, their souls/spirits did not go to Heaven or Hell. They remained on Earth as "disembodied spirits," which are also referred to as "Demons."  Demons are desperate to inhabit a human, or animal, or object.

One of them is named Azazel who was bound and chained by Michael under mount Hermon.

We are continually warned throughout scripture to be wary of demonic forces attempting to corrupt and influence.

I say, this whole "Pronouns" thing and groups pushing the "Trans" agenda is demonic possession; why do you think the freaks are so aggressive?   Look at all the Pronoun names they use to describe themselves (LINK)

It could be the Great Satan has been unchained awhile back and is now let loose on Earth for a little season.

Hence the rise of satanic influences globally.  Why do you think society seems to be falling apart on almost EVERY level, and all at once, all over the world?

It has been well known that demons are jealous of humans, which is why they are indoctrinating them to mutilate themselves.

I am not talking about dogma. I am talking about texts written thousands of years ago and outlining the text's significance. The Great Satan I mentioned is from the Book of Revelation. I also referenced the book of Enoch about the fallen angels.

They were identified and judged evil thousands of years ago by God when he smote the cities.

And wouldn't it be just like Satan, the father of all lies and the great deceiver, to lure well-meaning people into a situation where they THINK they're being "tolerant" about "Gender" when in fact, they're being used in Spiritual Warfare against God?  Many of them, without realizing it?

It's pretty clear-cut to me what God's judgment of these degenerates is. 

So for you to be "tolerant" of this behavior, judged as EVIL by God, ends up putting YOU on the "Demon Team."   

Make a U-turn.   Walk away from Demon Team and walk back to God!

It's OK that you got suckered by the Demons; happens all the time.  Just Confess; tell Jesus you got snookered.  YOU thought you were being "tolerant" and trying not to judge, but you realize you were snookered and sucked-in to Spiritual Warfare against God and YOU never intended to do that.  Tell him you feel so embarrassed and ashamed that you were so gullible.  Tell him you've wised-up and made change and you'll be on the lookout in the future for other lures and snares. Ask for His help; His protection!

So many of us sit and fret about how badly things are going in the world, and we wonder why it all seems to be falling apart.  Yet, we were told!   We were warned over and over again.  There is nothing new under the sun, and all the things that took place when God smote Sodom and Gomorrah, are back again.  They were here before we were even born.  

We were told in Revelations it would be this way - as in the days of Noah - before the end.   It looks to me like it's coming . . . . fast!

Get right with God.


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





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Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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