All Eyes on east Asia: China-Taiwan Flare-up - Japan WARNED by China

All Eyes on east Asia: China-Taiwan Flare-up - Japan WARNED by China

Chinese Ambassador to Japan, Wu Jiangao, warned Japanese leaders that their planned visit to Taiwan was equated with crossing the "red line."

"Foreign forces are conspiring with Taiwan's independence forces and carrying out constant provocations," the ambassador told reporters in Tokyo on Friday, saying their ultimate goal was "separation of Taiwan from China." He added that inciting "the split in China will bring the Japanese people into the fire".

Japanese officials have said that any contingency in Taiwan will be tantamount to an unpredictable situation in Japan.

In recent years, Beijing has pursued a policy of diplomatic isolation of Taiwan, forcing other countries to recognize it as part of a "single China" and repeatedly threatened to invade.

The day after Emmanuel Macron's visit, China began large-scale military exercises around Taiwan working out a rocket attack and the surroundings of the island. Training became answer on Taiwan's President Cai Ying Wen's 10-day diplomatic tour of Central America and a meeting with US government officials in California. In particular, she met with Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress from Republicans.

The day after China imitated "high-precision strikes" on Taiwan, Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said Beijing can prepare for the invasion of the island.

Later reported, that this year's annual Taiwanese military exercises "Han Kuan" will focus on fighting the blockade of the island against the background of China's statements.

China again moved military forces near Taiwan today.  

China’s largest combat drone, the TB-001 drone (an entire ship) nicknamed the “twin-tailed scorpion”, arrived late Thursday and remained on Friday around Taiwan:

Also on Friday, China flew 38 warplanes near Taiwan, and deployed another 6 navy vessels in area.

In addition, a Chinese uncrewed combat aircraft (Drone) has flown around Taiwan, the island's defense ministry said, showcasing Beijing's ability to attack its fall-back east coast bases, as a U.S. maritime patrol aircraft transited the Taiwan Strait.   Here is a photo of that combat drone:

China also had words for the United States.

“We  strongly urge the US side to fully recognize the high sensitivity of the Taiwan question as well as the complexity and severity of the current situation across the Taiwan Strait,” said Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, at a regular press conference.

When asked to comment on the reports that a group of US defense companies will visit Taiwan to discuss issues such as the joint production of drones and ammunition in early May, Defense Spokesperson Tan said that the Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair and brooks no foreign interference.

“These American military-industrial complexes have always been zealous to peddle munitions, trigger conflicts and chaos, and reap staggering profits around the world,” he point out sharply, adding that the Democratic Progressive Party's act is rather contemptible, like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl, which will only bring untold disaster to the Taiwan compatriots.

Then the spokesperson reiterated that no one or any force can shake Chinese people’s staunch determination and firm will to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and urged the US side to adhere to the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-US joint communiqués, prudently handle Taiwan-related issues, refrain from interfering in the Taiwan question, cease arms sales to the Taiwan region as well as its military contact with the island. 

Soooooooo, what did the US Congress go ahead an do today?    Well . . .

The House committee dedicated to countering China began preparing bipartisan proposals for the fiscal 2024 defense authorization bill that would accelerate U.S. munitions production and arms transfers to Taiwan.

In the meantime, here is an up-to-date graphic showi9ng the very considerable firepower which is around Taiwan as of yesterday:

It is entirely plausible that China may decide it is better to grab Taiwan NOW, before more US assets reach the region and BEFORE US arms manufacturers can fill new weapons orders.  What the US is doing, and pledging, to Taiwan's "defense" may actually TRIGGER a Chinese invasion of Taiwan!



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