UPDATED 12:06 AM EDT (Saturday) Another War?! Serbia Massing Troops & Tanks on Kosovo Border

UPDATED 12:06 AM EDT (Saturday) Another War?!   Serbia Massing Troops & Tanks on Kosovo Border

Intelligence agencies are sounding the alarm tonight that the country of Serbia is massing an "unprecedented" amount of troops, tanks, artillery and Mechanized Infantry Divisions on the border of neighboring Kosovo.

NATO Troops are in Kosovo and tasked with keeping the peace there after a brutal Civil War.   In that war, ethnic Albanians tried to force out ethnic Serbians.

Word on the streets inside Kosovo is that Kosovo is trying to ethnically cleanse citizens of Serbia that stayed in their Kosovo homes after the Civil War.

It appears another war is about to break out.

Developing.  Live updates to appear below . . . .


UPDATE 11:34 PM EDT --

Below, an image of Serbian tanks massing near the border of Kosovo:

 The Nato peacekeeping force in Kosovo, "Kfor," has been reinforced with British troops and the Biden administration said it was consulting with allies to ensure Kfor’s posture “matches the threat.”

“We are monitoring a large Serbian military deployment along the border with Kosovo that includes an unprecedented staging of advanced Serbian artillery, tanks and mechanized infantry units,” the spokesperson for the US national security council, John Kirby, said on Friday."

“This reaction by the White House seems similar to the warnings we saw before Russian troops entered Ukraine.”


UPDATE 11:44 PM EDT --

"Due to the current situation in Kosovo, we have transferred command of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Princess of Wales Regiment - the reserve force for NATO's Kosovo* Force (KFOR) - to NATO so that it can provide support if necessary." - Ministry of DefenSe of the United Kingdom.

Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the NATO defence alliance, said in a statement that he had decided to "approve additional forces to respond to the situation".

"We will always take all necessary measures to maintain a safe environment and freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo."

Stoltenberg does not give figures, but Britain's Ministry of Defense announces that it has made a battalion of between 500 and 650 people available for the NATO operation in Kosovo.

According to the ministry, the battalion, which is part of the reserve troops of NATO's Kosovo operation, has recently arrived in the area for previously planned exercises.


UPDATE 12:06 AM EDT (SATURDAY) Quick Analysis:

Serbia has historical friendliness with Russia.

Albania made its accession of NATO in 2009. Albania's relationship with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) began in 1992 when it joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. In 1994, it entered NATO's Partnership for Peace, which began Albania's process of accession into the alliance. In 1999, the country received a Membership Action Plan (MAP). The country received an invitation to join at the 2008 Bucharest Summit and became a full member on April 1, 2009.

A conflict re-starting between Serbia-Kosovo, wherein NATO troops are already present -- making it a tinderbox for instant escalation-- forces NATO to draw-down assets and resources from Ukraine, where Russia is operating.

Just yesterday, word came out that NATO is shifting its view on Ukraine to make it "a long war."   With this situation in Kosovo, NATO would then have to be in TWO wars.  One of those, therefore, can no longer be a "long war."

The game's afoot . . . .  and all of it taking place just ONE DAY before a US Government financial shut down.  Cry Havoc; and let slip the dogs of war.


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