Attack against Ukraine Nuke Plant within 48 Hours? Local Wind Direction is the key for NATO to find cause to enter the war

Attack against Ukraine Nuke Plant within 48 Hours?  Local Wind Direction is the key for NATO to find cause to enter the war

The mass-media in the West is already hyping a so-called "Pending Russian Attack" against the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant.  The fact they are already laying blame on Russia should clue you in that the truth is the exact opposite; UKRAINE needs this to get NATO into the war.

First, let's take a brief look at some of the headlines here in the West:

Gee whiz!  You think they're laying the groundwork to BLAME RUSSIA?!?!?!

That's what this is about: Public perception.  They want the public "primed" so that when an attack does take place, Russia gets blamed.

So why is this necessary?   Because there is NO NEED for Russia to attack this plant, Russia is winning the Ukraine war!

Besides, prevailing wind patterns in that region __usually__ blow into Russia.  Why would Russia blow up a nuke plant when the winds would carry radiation right into Russia?   They wouldn't.

Since Russia is winning the war, Ukraine needs some "incident" to prompt NATO to enter the conflict on the side of Ukraine, and they need it fast.  At present, all the Western-supplied arms given to Ukraine, are getting blown-up, bombed-out, and burned.  Ukraine has already been told that unless their "Counter-Offensive" yields good results before the NATO Summit on July 11-12, future military aid from NATO countries will no longer be easy to get.

So Ukraine needs something, a win, a breakthrough . . . . something . . . .  anything . . . . to show progress, and they just don't have it.  Moreover, they just can't get it.  Russia is too strong.  Too dug-in.

In fact, things are going so badly for Ukraine right now, that they have not yet even REACHED the first of Russia's actual defensive lines!   They've only encountered Russia scout troops.   Those scout troops have beaten the living shit out of Ukraine at almost every encounter.  Almost, but, admittedly, not all encounters.

So Ukraine is losing, NATO is running out of surplus weapons and ammunition, and is now demanding results, but Ukraine can't deliver any.

What to do?

Well . . . . .  NATO made clear that if Russia were to detonate a Tactical Nuke inside Ukraine, NATO would enter the conflict on Ukraine's side.

Then, about a week ago, US Senators Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) went very public with a Resolution in the Senate saying, in sum and in substance, that "If Russia damages a nuclear power plant in Ukraine, which releases radiation, then THAT radiation release would be deemed "an attack upon NATO" causing Article 5 of the NATO Treaty (Collective Self Defense) to be invoked against Russia. (Story HERE

And THAT . . .  that right there . . . . the attack upon a nuclear power plant . . . THAT is Ukraine's ticket to NATO entry.  If that plant is hit and leaks radiation, it's Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner, for Ukraine; because NATO enters the war.

Moreover, Ukraine started giving out Potassium Iodate/Iodide pills to their citizens and this past weekend, Ukraine announced "permanent evacuations" from areas within 16km of the ZNPP (Story HERE).  Permanent???  How would they know it needed to be permanent?

Why would they do these things unless they KNOW the ZNPP is going to leak?   And how would they KNOW that unless . . . THEY are the ones who are going to do it?

So what's been going on the past few days?  A Western Media blitz saying Russia is going to attack that nuclear plant.  The media is sowing the seeds for their government overlords.  Full-on Propaganda.  Laying the groundwork to blame Russia.

 All the while, Russia is still winning and has no reason at all to do any such thing.


Prevailing wind patterns in Ukraine are similar to those here in the USA; winds generally blow from west to east; toward Russia.   But once in awhile, like here in the US, the winds change direction.

With all the hoopla over this ZNPP "attack" allegedly coming, I took a look at the weather forecasting service to get an idea of how the winds will be blowing over the next few days.   Viewing these forecasts, I thought, might give me an idea of the TIME FRAME for any attack against the ZNPP because winds carrying radiation from the plant into NATO countries would likely be necessary in order for NATO to enter the fight.

Here's today's wind patterns from Ventusky, as of Noon, eastern US Time.  The ZNPP is shown as a radiation symbol on the map:


But 24 hours from now, at 12:00 Noon on July 4, a CHANGE begins to take place.  Winds start shifting direction:

By 8:00 AM eastern US Time on July 5, the winds are clearly shifting from Russia to the west. And By 10:00 AM that same day, the winds are DECIDEDLY from the east to the West, with some wind going south into Romania (NATO) and other wind going north into Poland (NATO):

Now, as we all know, weather forecasting is NOT an exact science.  Reality sometimes deviates greatly from computer models.  What we see above are MODELS.

So conditions on the ground would have to be such, that actual conditions would carry radiation into NATO countries, and within the next few days, according to Ventusky models, the only time that will take place is around 10:00 AM eastern US time, but over in Ukraine.

So, If I am right in my belief that NATO is looking for an excuse to enter the war, and if I am also right that NATO and Ukraine will attack the ZNPP to cause a radiation leak, and if I am also right that local prevailing winds would have to carry that radiation into NATO countries, then it seems logical to me (and I admit I may be wrong) that any attack  upon the ZNPP would have to take place on or before July 5 at 10:00 AM eastern US time in order for the local wind to carry the radiation into NATO countries.


Actually, I really WANT TO BE WRONG.   

Because if the ZNPP is attacked, radiation released, and NATO declares Article 5 self defense against Russia, I personally believe the nuclear missiles will fly within hours.

Russia has repeatedly made clear if NATO Declares Article 5 collective self defense against Russia, that NATO's conventional forces ARE superior to Russia's.  (Yes, Russia admits this!)   But, say the Russians, we are also a nuclear power and our nuclear weapons are superior to NATO's.  Russia then said they will use every weapon in their arsenal to protect themselves from NATO.

To me, that means nukes.

So, as this story goes to publish, it is 1:34 PM EDT on Monday, July 3.   If I am right, we will all know before 10:00 AM July 5.

Get right with God.


 UPDATE 2:09 PM EDT --

Some of you may be familiar with a very strange and tumultuous web site called " 4 Chan "   In my past life with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, wehrein a aired the most egregious crap so as to infiltrate extremist groups, 4 Chan targetted . . .  ME.    They arranged protests at my house in New Jersey, they hacked my computer servers and more.   

What makes 4 chan so desirable for some, is that they designed their servers to strip-away all IP address info from postings made to their message forum.  Thus, there are no records of who posted what.  Very conveneient for those with nefarious motives.

Anyway, 4 chan has, on a number of occasions, had "lurkers" who work in certain fields, LEAK valuable and timely information about a variety of things.  With confidence the leakers cannot be caught, some folks provide realy doozies of information.

I found out just minutes ago, thanks to a Subscriber message in the comments area beneath this story, that THIS appeared on 4 chan, last night:

Whether this person is real or just some live-action-role-playing (LARP), I have no idea.   But given the place where this appeared, even I have to admit it COULD . . . . . MAYBE . . . .  be real.

I'm passing it along with the caveat there is no way to verify what this person said.



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Harold C. Turner

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