During the final calendar week of each month, I turn to YOU, my readers and Listeners to my radio show, to help fund this endeavor. It's been this way since the year 2000 when the show began. Without YOU, there is no Hal Turner Radio Show or web site.
The Expenses this month are higher than usual because of web traffic and streaming audio listeners online:
Radio Stations: ~$5,,000
AMAZON WEB SERVICES for this site: ~$3665.14
A big chunk of this bill is DATA TRANSFER CHARGES; you read or listen online, and I get Billed for the transfer of that data to YOU.
Other Expenses:
Blue Ridge Cable Modem (PA Location): $199.95
AT&T Cellular Failover Modem (PA Location) $65.
ViaSat Satellite Uplink Failover (PA Location): $243 47
Verizon FiOS (Fiber Optics) [NJ Location] $187
Verizon Cellular Failover modem (NJ) $35.
Vonage Phone Lines (Inbound Radio Show Callers) $187.35
Music Licensing from Adobe: 29
I also got a "Heads-up" from Alan Weiner at radio station WBCQ. Earlier this year he had to increase my air time costs by five percent (5%) due to increased electricity costs. He told me about two weeks ago, that the station just got hit with . . . ready for this . . . .a SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT (75%) Electricity price increase! He said he's going to have to talk to customers like me about that, and I have no idea at all whether the new price is going to allow me to even continue the show - at least on WBCQ.
Making this all the more stressful is that upwards of FIFTY PERCENT of my "Subscribers" have gone bad on payments over the past year. Their credit cards are being declined. Not "Blocked" over any cancellation, just declined.
So right now, I need all the help I can get. Things are getting way critical and frankly, I wasn't even sure up to last night, whether I was going to even continue trying. That's why at the end of the show last night, I made clear "I have NOT begun monthly fund-raising." I'm just not sure this can go on.
Whether YOU donate or not, will afford all of us, the answer.
Please donate below: