Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council (Senate) Dmitry Medvedev made remarks today that seem to confirm war with the West is the choice that has, in fact, been made.
When analyzing public remarks of any leader, one must always take into account errors in translation, and more importantly, nuances in culture/language that may exist in one culture, but do not precisely translate to other cultures. So interpreting remarks of foreign officials is a delicate task that must be undertaken with very great care.
Having said that, sometimes the meaning of a foreign officials remarks translate very precisely, and say what we actually think is meant. Such was the case today.
Today, Dmitry Medvedev said the following: "The consequences of the collision of the world's most powerful armies will be terrible and there will be no victor at all."
Pretty hard to not understand the plain meaning of that. Let's dissect:
"The consequences of THE collision . . . ." Not "a collision" but rather "THE" collision. His use of the word THE rather than "a" indicates to me that a collision IS, in fact, coming.
". . . WILL be terrible . . ." Not "would" or "could" but rather "WILL." His use of the word "WILL" rather than "would" or "could" reinforces my interpretation above that the decision to go to actual war has been made.
Lastly, ". . . there WILL be no victor at all." Again, his use of the word "WILL" is now double reinforcement of the reality that the decision for an actual shooting war is already made, and worse, since ". . . there will be no victor" that tells me it is also decided that the coming war WILL be nuclear. After all, a nuclear war is the ONLY war that has no victor.
Medvedev is not in any way careless with his use of language. He is clearly a highly educated man, who says what he means and means what he says.
He went on: "Russia is not fighting the Ukrainian regime, but rather the 3.6 million-member NATO army."
That. That right there . . . is the hideous, ugly reality. Medvedev knows what's what, and he just said it publicly. When a top elected official of a country, publicly declares that war is being waged against his land by an identified combatant, the only expected course of action is for his country to engage that combatant directly. So this remark reinforce my interpretation of earlier remarks above.
Medvedev's choice of words today, terrifies me. Not because I am afraid to die -- I'm not. But because his words seem to indicate (to me) that tens of millions of us are going to die, and our world will __never__ be the same. The good will perish with the evil. Cities and towns will be flattened. Disease and death will run rampant.
This is a catastrophe that does not have to be. Yet our U.S. government, and its NATO vassals, are pursuing this course to the exclusion of almost all else. It seems like insanity to me.
In related news, Estonia's Foreign Minister has decided to expel one Russian diplomat. Moscow will respond to Estonia's decision to expel Russian diplomat — Russian Foreign Ministry.
So what little is left of "Diplomacy" is also being intentionally wrecked by our NATO vassals.
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