BBC Confirms NATO Special Forces Troops inside Ukraine - 6 days AFTER this web site reported it to Subscribers!

BBC Confirms NATO Special Forces Troops inside Ukraine - 6 days AFTER this web site reported it to Subscribers!

Better late than never seems to be the catch-phrase at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).  Today they (finally) reported what readers of this web site knew 6 full days ago: NATO Special Forces troops are operating inside Ukraine!

The BBC Story reports to their British readers that the UK has at least fifty (50) Special Operations Force members operating inside the war zone in Ukraine (STORY HERE).   But subscribers to the Hal Turner Radio Show knew this a full six days ago as reported HERE.

Once again, for all the world to see, Hal Turner Radio Show subscribers get the REAL news hours, and even DAYS before the mass media reports it . . . if they even do!   

Oh, and as an added bonus . . . world famous "DRUDGE REPORT" didn't cover this either, until the BBC did.   SO much for Drudge being fast or first. 

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Harold C. Turner

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