The United States has now deployed two . . . count 'em . . . 1, 2 . . . Navy Destroyers, and with this deployment, the ENTIRE Mexico Drug Cartel network can be utterly destroyed within . . . . minutes.
Last Monday, the USS Gravely (FILE PHOTO BELOW) took to the Gulf coast, heading toward Mexico.
Yesterday, the USS Spruance (FILE PHOTO BELOW) took to the Pacific Coast, headed toward Mexico.
Each vessel carries a total of ninety-six (96) missiles in vertical launch cells. Those missiles can be of several different types, but the Tomahawk cruise missile, with it's 1,000+ mile range, is worthy of particular mention because, as shown on the map above, each US Destroyer, when equipped with those missiles, has the ENTIRE land area of Mexico within reach. All of it!
These cruise missiles are so accurate, that the United States can target a particular WINDOW of a particular Building from 1000+ miles away, and when the missile arrives, it will go through the center of the window so perfectly, it won't even touch the window frame. That's how accurate these things are.
Targeting? That's probably already being done.
For weeks, the United States Air Force has been sending surveillance aircraft along both coasts of Mexico, and surveillance drones over the actual land of Mexico - with permission from the Mexican government.
On February 15, CNN Reported:
The US military has significantly increased its surveillance of Mexican drug cartels over the past two weeks, with sophisticated spy planes flying at least 18 missions over the southwestern US and in international airspace around the Baja peninsula, according to open-source data and three US officials familiar with the missions.
The flights, conducted over a 10-day period in late January and early February, represent a dramatic escalation in activity, current and former military officials say, and come as President Donald Trump directs the military to secure the border and deter cartels’ drug smuggling operations.
These drones are equipped with surveillance gear that would make the former Soviet KGB blush. They can pinpoint particular cell phones within . . . . inches . . . . of its actual location. They can see in the day, at night, through storm clouds, rain, sleet, snow, hail, fog. They can use regular vision, infra-red, even thermography. NOTHING can escape their view.
Some of these drones - and US military space satellites -- are equipped with technology that actually lets them peer through . . . . roofs! They can get imagery from INSIDE a structure!
Which brings us to the whole Drug Cartel infrastructure. They need laboratories to make and mix -- and warehouses to store -- their poison, to be smuggled into the United States. Take a look at what happens when US Cruise missiles start striking targets. Below, video from the year 2003 in Baghdad, Iraq:
Those are steel-reinforced, concrete government buildings being individually hit. None survived. What do you think the drug labs would look like if the US hits THEM?
Many of the Cartel laboratories are underground; dug into hills in remote areas of Mexico.
The U.S. learned all about underground and cave warfare from our hunt for Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. We located the caves, then sent a missile to COLLAPSE the cave - or bunker - entrance. Here's a small video showing how we do it. Send a single Fighter Jet:
The blast either buries them alive in tons of rock rubble, or they suffocate to death in minutes. If the blast itself doesn't kill them, suffocation will.
As mentioned earlier, the two ships carry a total of 192 missiles between them; 96 missiles each. But in reality, there may NOT be that many drug labs. So what else might the US target? The Cartel bosses in their homes.
With such accurate missiles, the US can put a missile right through the bedroom window of the Cartel bosses homes.
So if only half the 192 missiles have to take out labs, the other half can take out Cartel bosses in their homes.
In one fell swoop, the ENTIRE Mexican Drug Cartel problem is stopped - dead.
This would also be a powerful message to all those who weren't targeted and therefore survived. When they see the labs destroyed, and find out their bosses were blown up in their own homes, it would be a powerful deterrent from anyone else doing the same thing.
It remains to be seen if the U.S. undertakes such an operation but if we do, it can all be over in one night, with zero US personnel on the ground.
In my personal opinion, the US looks to me as though it is planning something exactly like this.
As for Mexico and its "sovereignty" . . . . we should just do this operation and when the Mexicans complain, we just need to say "Look, we told you who was doing this. We told you where. We told you to take care of it. You didn't. So, we did.
We're really sorry we violated your sovereignty, but how sovereign are you that you didn't take care of this when we told you about it?
Now, it's done.
The next time we tell you that more than two thousand Americans are dying every week from illegal Fentanyl, cocaine, and Heroine, and we tell you who is doing it and where they are, maybe you should take care of it right then and there, so we don't have to come in and do it for you -- again."