The URL for this web site is NOTHING ELSE! Please correct your bookmarks so there is no extra gobbledigook after the .com
When I brought back the old style website at the beginning of April, the Template had "Language Packs" in it. As a result, it created main page links that were expressed with a bunch of other terms relating to language, after the .com
Many of you BOOKMARKED that.
I did away with those language packs because I use the TRANSLATE GLOBE at the top right of this site. When I did away with those language packs, the change did away with all the gobbledigook after the .com
Some of you BOOKMARKED the site address when the site was restored, and now you're getting 404 NOT FOUND when you click those bookmarks.
But on that 404 page, there is a HOME button which gets you here.
You need to re-Bookmark this site so you have the current, valid, URL's.