BREAKING NEWS: Trump Orders "Decisive Combat Operations" Against Yemen

BREAKING NEWS: Trump Orders "Decisive Combat Operations" Against Yemen

The White House announced this afternoon that President Trump has ordered decisive combat operations against Yemen.

The U.S. Navy then confirmed it's 5th Fleet has entered a period of 'sustained combat operations' within the CENTCOM area of responsibility.

The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet is responsible for naval forces in the Arabian Gulf, Red Sea, and Arabian Sea, with its headquarters located at NSA Bahrain in Manama, Bahrain. It shares a commander and headquarters with U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) and is a component command of, and reports to, CENTCOM.

Yemen has re-initiated a sort of naval blockade in the Red Sea, which also affects the Suez Canal, against the "state" of Israel because Israel is forbidding food, water, and electricity into the Gaza Strip for over two weeks.

Over 1.5 Million people remain in Gaza despite much of it having been obliterated by Israeli bombing.

Yemen halted its activities in the Red Sea when negotiations opened between the HAMAS Government in Gaza, and Israel.    Some hostages were released by HAMAS and some prisoners were also released by Israel.   Food, Water and electricity flowed into Gaza.

Some things went wrong, and Israel cut-off food, water, and electricity.   

After about ten days of no food or water entering Gaza, Yemen announced they were giving Israel four days to restore the flow of food and water.   Israel did not comply, so Yemen resumed its Blockade of Commercial Shipping to/from Israel in the Red Sea.

The United States says this blockade of International shipping - even though it is over  Genocide taking place in Gaza - adversely affects the United States, and told Yemen to cease its threatened (and actual) attacks against shipping.   Yemen failed to comply.

Over this past weekend, the United States made dozens of heavy air strikes against Yemen to convince them to stop.   Despite at least 52 killed in Yemen, they weren't convinced to stop.

Yemen then announced (Yesterday) that in retaliation for being attacked by the U.S., all American ships in the Red Sea would be subject to Yemen attack.

Today, President Trump directed the US military to engage in "decisive combat operations."  

For now, this appears to mean naval and air strike activity.  No word of any "boots on the ground."

Yemen does not have an army, a navy, or an air force.

They utilize missile strikes with missiles allegedly provided by Iran.

In the past, Yemen has successfully attacked a number of Merchant Vessels traveling to/from Israel.

Hal Turner Remarks

Today's escalation by President Trump is extremely serious.

How the world's most powerful military can attack a country which has no army, navy, or air force, is not a good "look" at all.  In fact, it's more than just not a good "look."   

Maybe pressure should be brought to bear upon the country actually causing all this; you know, Israel?   

How Israel can apply "group punishment" to 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza, over the actions of a few hundred members of HAMAS, seems un-American.  Denying food and water to 1.5 Million over the actions of a few hundred seems unthinkable to civilized people.  It is also illegal under the Geneva Conventions.

If it is OK for Israel to apply group punishment to all Palestinians in Gaza for the actions of a few, would it then also be okay for the world to apply group punishment to ALL Israeli-types for the ongoing Genocide in Gaza?  That may have to be something the world considers doing over the next days.


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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