Britain Closed Waters off its East Coast July 4, Looking for Russian "Posiedon" Torpedo

Britain Closed Waters off its East Coast July 4, Looking for Russian "Posiedon" Torpedo

The British government issued Notice to Airmen and Mariners (NOTAM) closing almost the entire east coast waters off England yesterday for 15 hours.  Turns out, they were searching for a Russian "Poseidon" autonomous Torpedo with a 100 MT nuclear bombs aboard! The public knew nothing.

It began around 4:00 AM UK time on July 4.  Notices to Airmen and Mariners (NOTAMs) were issued by the UK closing vast swaths of ocean off the UK east coast as "Danger Areas."  The NOTAM below shows the enormous areas that were closed:

Intelligence sources inside the UK have revealed the British were extremely worried that Russia may have already deployed at least one of its "Poseidon" torpedoes off the UK coastline, to create a nuclear Tsunami that would destroy most of the country without warning!

They were also concerned that other Russian Ballistic Missile submarines may have already taken-up station off the coast, to launch missiles in retaliation for what the UK has been doing to Russia inside Ukraine.

British news services did NOT carry any information about this search, nor did they even report the vast parts of the ocean closed-off for the intense searches.  The British public was left blissfully unaware.


Russia's new "Poseidon" autonomous torpedo is a nuclear powered device that can travel the world's oceans unaided, and undetected.  It can be programmed to travel to - and lay off the coast of - an adversary, at a depth of at least 1 km.

At the programmed time, the torpedo would detonate a nuclear bomb it carries, that has a yield of up to 100 megatons.

THe design of the weapon is such, that most of the blast energy could not make it to the surface of the sea because of the great depth at which the explosion takes place.   Instead, that energy would PUSH the water in a sudden, violent blast, causing a gigantic Tsunami tidal wave.   As the wave approaches the coast of the adversary, the waters get shallow as they rise up to the shoreline, which causes the moving water to begin piling-up on itself.

When the wave finally comes ashore, it does so as a 1500 foot tall wall of water, moving at about 600 MPH.

Everything on the shore, and perhaps as deep as twenty five miles inland, is wiped off the face of the earth.

No warning.  No evacuation time.  Just a wall of water killing everything in its path.

What makes this especially horrifying is that all the nuclear blast energy is still in the water, so it is highly radioactive.

Once the water comes ashore, it deposits that radiation onto the land, making the entire area uninhabitable for over a hundred years.

If not killed outright by the wave, nothing would be able to survive once exposed to the tremendous radiation.  

Russia is the only country on earth that has this technology.  The west is fully aware of it, yet continues to "poke the bear" in Ukraine.

The west, it seems, has become suicidal.




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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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