For the past few days, I have had to deal with a Brute Force Hacker Attack against the Administrative Login area of this website. My security caught and blocked each attempt; all 668,412 of them !!!
The attacks began on January 26 in the wee hours of the morning. The attacking IP addresses included: and
Both IP's come back to data centers. One of those in "Frankfurt am Main" in the Hessen region of Germany, and show as being registered to AEZA International:
The other, also showing as being Aeza International, in Amsterdam, Holland, The Netherlands:
Aeza International comes back as being a Cloud-Hosting company:
Aeza International LTD
Company Number: 15109642
347 Barking Road, London, England, E13 8EE
Sounds good, but maybe not. This is what's at that address:
But VERY Interestingly, this store front, on their OWN website, shows a picture of their windows of late, and lookie-lookie here what's in their window:
Oh, gee, UKRAINE! How interesting.
And even more interesting is that this company deals with accounting and Finance. WHo is it in the world that is well known for being involved in . . . . finance.
Oy Vey. I better not say it.
Elsewhere, on a FACEBOOK page (old?) this same company shows as being located at:
311 Shoreham street, Sheffield, United Kingdom
That postal address comes back to this rinky-dink Mail drop which shows as being "Permanently Closed"
So clearly, whoever is behind this, seems a bit shady to me.
There are also indicators that they are big Ukraine supporters and I do not side with Ukraine, and that they're in the finance business indicates another problem group - Oy Vey, I better not say it.
So it is quickly becoming clear to me what these attacks are actually about.
Further action is in progress to clarify the responsible entity.
Anyway, my security prevented the attacker from getting in but deluged ME with more than 668,412 email alerts.
My email box still has more than 7,000+ more emails to download, so I suspect they are these alerts as well.
This is just one facet of the kind of crap a person like me has to put up with for daring to speak the plain truth. Daring to challenge the propaganda. Daring to employ logic, critical thinking, and common sense.
For folks like you, all you see is this little website that posts news and carries a radio show. But there are forces at work who do not approve of the truth and the facts coming out. And those forces will employ any and every kind of activity to silence what they do not like.
This particular attack was of a nature that has certain aspects about it that I cannot talk about right now because . . . . . things with this are about to get . . . . . . AHEM . . . . . . . dicey.
I'll leave it at that for now.