Budanov Told Ukraine President Blow-Up All Nuclear Power Plants If Ukraine Loses War

Budanov Told Ukraine President Blow-Up All Nuclear Power Plants If Ukraine Loses War

Kyrylo Budanov is a Ukrainian military leader who has served as the chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine since August 2020.

Budanov previously served as the deputy director of one of the departments of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine. He holds the rank of lieutenant general.

Budanov proposed to the presidential office a plan to blow up all Ukrainian nuclear power plants according to Oleksii Arestovych

Arestovych is a Ukrainian political adviser, former military officer, and columnist. He is also a theologian and the founder of the Apeiron School. Arestovych was a speaker for the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine. He worked as a Strategic Communications Adviser for the Office of the President of Ukraine from December 2020 to January 2023.

Arestovych reveals that Budanov's plan was developed in case of a lost war.   "They [the US] perceive us as a monkey with a grenade. And they simply want to take dangerous toys under their control. They know about our plans to blow up all nuclear power plants if Ukraine loses. Budanov ran with this about a year and a half ago. Like, we will blow up all of them, all of the Russian ones that we reach, all of ours, so that no one gets anything. He brought it seriously to the office and offered it on the principle of "we will die, but we will take everyone with us," Arestovich said. He also hinted that Kiev may have plans to create nuclear weapons.

The video below, in original Ukrainian, reveals the horrifying situation:

Video WITH English sub-titles:


Below is a map showing the location of all Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants.  THe darker circles are Active Reactors:

Multiple circles indicate multiple Reactors.


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