We now have an precise date window for the outbreak of World War 3 in Europe. A country has issued a NOTAM for "Unpanned military activity necessary to protect national security."  This LIFE-SAVING content is now open to the General Public --

Poland has issued a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) involving the ENTIRE eastern 1/4 of the country of Poland from Gdansk in the north to the southern tip of the country, including the border with Belarus and Ukraine.

Specifically, the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA) in Coordination with the Polish Air Force has Introduced a Notice-to-Air-Missions (NOTAM) from February 5th to May 5th for the entire East of the Country on the Border with Ukraine due to the reported possibility of Unplanned Military Actions related to ensuring National Security.

The NOTAM requires any Civilian Aircraft which is Operating inside of the Zone to remain in Radio Contact with Flight Authorities and to Activate their Transponder as to prevent their Disruption of Increased Activity by Military Aircraft.

Hal Turner Analysis

It seems to me, as a guy with average intellect, the only reason Poland would do this is because they KNOW there will be a NATO entry into the Russia-Ukraine war during this specific time period, and as soon as that entry begins, war between NATO and Russia will ensue.  The NOTAM was issued yesterday and began yesterday, February 5, so WE ARE ALREADY IN THE WINDOW for the start of actual World War 3.

Also, as a regular guy with average intellect, this notice tells me they don't yet know the specific date, but they know the window of time, which, to me, means when this comes, it will happen like a lightning bolt from the sky.  I suspect we, the general public, will have NO WARNING AT ALL.

For weeks now, European countries have been telling their citizens to stock-up on Prescription medicines they may need to live.  Many people found this advice curious; after all, why would there be a need to do something like that?   Now, we seem to know why. 

It looks to me as though they have been planning a NATO entry into the Ukraine war for quite some time, and they're trying to prep the public for the war that NATO is going to cause.

In addition to countries in Europe telling their people to stock up on Prescription medicines, other nations, like Sweden and the UK, have been openly telling their citizens to "prepare for war" with emergency food, water, medicine, fuel, flashlights, batteries and portable radios for news.

So, it seems to me, the writing on the wall is now blazingly clear.

As all readers may recall, Russia made plain at the start of their Special Military Operation (SMO) into Ukraine, that if NATO chose to enter the conflict, Russian conventional forces are NOT comparable to NATO.  Russia admitted that from the start.

Russia then also made clear that "We are a nuclear power, and our abilities in this area are superior to NATO." Russia finished by saying, "If NATO declares Article 5 Collective Self Defense against Russia, it will be a war that no one will win."

Those words . . . . "a war no one will win" is a nuclear war.

So we are now in the window for the outbreak of actual nuclear war, from right this minute, until May 5.

I earnestly hope my readers have stocked-up on Emergency food, water, medicines, an electric generator with stored fuel to run it, so as to have electricity for refrigerators, freezers, maybe some light.

We are OUT OF TIME.  You have to possess these things NOW or get what you can IMMEDIATELY.

As I mentioned earlier, it seems to me we will have ZERO warning about this.  When it begins, it will likely escalate so fast, none of us will have any time to react.

If you don't have your emergency supplies before this breaks out, there will be no way at all for you to get them.

The general public - who wait until the very last minute to do -- . . .  anything . . . . -- will be in shear panic.  Stores will be immediately flooded with shoppers trying to get their hands on anything they can.  It will be chaos.  Bedlam.

Store shelves will be wiped clean within a couple hours.

So if you don't have your stuff, you won't be able to get it.

Please, in the name of Almighty God, I implore you to get prepped right now.  


You need:

Shelf-stable foods:  Pasta, Rice, Dried Beans, Canned meats, Canned vegetables, Condiments (Ketchup, Mustard, Mayonnaise, Salt, Pepper, SUGAR), cooking oil, Jarred pasta sauces and the like.

WATER!   A human needs 8  eight-ounce glasses of water, per day, to survive.  If the nukes fly, the public water supply will become contaminated.  You MUST have water stored.  Not for doing dishes, or showering, but to consume and cook with!

Medicines you take to survive.  For instance, my wife had Thyroid cancer and her Thyroid was surgically removed. But a human cannot live without Thyroid Hormone, so she has to take a pill EVERY DAY just to continue living.   If she runs out of those pills, by day 5 of no pill, she will be dead.

If YOU or your family members take medicines to live, YOU need to stock up.  Tell your doctor to give you a prescription so you can stock up.  Tell him why you want it.  And pay for it with your own money, because your insurance company WILL NOT PAY.

A generator or some type of small solar array with a battery.  You need to be able to power your refrigerator/freezer a couple hours a day to prevent food from spoiling.   Have spare fuel for that generator, but don't store flammable fuel in your house.  It has to be outside.  And NEVER run a generator indoors.  Gas-operated generators give off carbon monoxide gas which is LETHAL.  You would die from the fumes within minutes if you ran the generator indoors.

COMMUNICATIONS GEAR:  Get yourself a small, cheap CB Radio ($39) with a small antenna for your car or your house.  If this thing happens, and I believe it will, our electric grid may go down.  All the TV and Radio stations have generators, but they may go down too after a few days of no power.  YOU have to be able to communicated with neighbors, friends, and the like.

Get a SHORTWAVE RECEIVER - small ones operate on batteries.  They'll let you hear the news from many countries around the world.   You'll be able to keep informed!  Have spare batteries for it, too.

Flashlights for each family member and replacement batteries for each light.

 The list is **NOT** complete, and for some of us, what we "need" seems endless, but these are the absolute essentials you need.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THEM.



This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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