Canada Agrees to Cooperate; Tariffs "PAUSED" for 30 days

Canada Agrees to Cooperate; Tariffs "PAUSED" for 30 days

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had TWO phone calls with US President Donald Trump today, and in the second phone call at 3:00 PM eastern US time the two nations agreed as follows:

From Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:

“I just had a good call with President Trump.

Canada is implementing our $1.3 billion border plan — reinforcing the border with new choppers, technology and personnel, enhanced coordination with our American partners, and increased resources to stop the flow of fentanyl.

Nearly 10,000 frontline personnel are and will be working on protecting the border.

In addition, Canada is making new commitments to appoint a Fentanyl Czar, we will list cartels as terrorists, ensure 24/7 eyes on the border, launch a Canada-U.S. Joint Strike Force to combat organized crime, fentanyl and money laundering.

I have also signed a new intelligence directive on organized crime and fentanyl and we will be backing it with $200 million.

Proposed tariffs will be paused for at least 30 days while we work together."

Hal Turner Analysis

I am so glad this is the outcome. 

Both Canada and Mexico have done amazingly good work today and thankfully the USA can hold-off on any potential Tariffs.

The Mexico story, from earlier today, is HERE


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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