CME Group has announced it has De-listed the Gold Kilo Futures, London Spot Gold Futures, London Silver Spot Futures, and Cleared OTC London Gold Forwards (collateral margin) Contracts.
CME Group is the world's leading derivatives marketplace, formed from the merger of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), and The Commodity Exchange (COMEX)
In a March 14, 2025 "Special Executive Report" the CME Group delivered the staggering news:
Direct link to above document on CME Website HERE
In the opinion of many in the Gold Markets, this is the equivalent of a Magnitude 9.6 earthquake! There is very much SPECULATION taking place that the reason the CME Group has done this is allegedly "because London no longer has the metals to cover their contracts."
One reader of this website told me:
"Paper Gold written on the London Exchange just became VERY IFFY. Biggest news? NOTE that Paper Gold from London can no longer be used AS COLLATERAL for CME trading!
London Gold was selling for several dollars less than what gold was selling for in the US so there was hedging being done, buy London sell US, to try to capture that difference via the futures market.
Will this cause firms to now try to take MORE physical delivery in London and move that gold to the US to capture that pricing difference?
Will that DRAIN the physical stocks of gold in London as it is physically sent to the US?
I don't trade gold but this IS a big deal for the gold market, particularly for Paper Gold."
I spoke to Joann Arena at the CME Group in New York City this morning. She told me this is is "routine house cleaning of products there may be little interest in, or that have not had activity in quite awhile." She also referred me to CME Group Corporate Communications for further info. I'll be following-up on that shortly.
Many readers of this website and listeners to my radio show have contacted me over the weekend about this, suggesting this may be the clearest sign yet that the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) is, in their words, "imploding." They also suggest to me that this is one key reason the price of Gold is suddenly spiking higher, now above the $3,000. per ounce level.
Again, both those possibilities are mere SPECULATION by the readers and listeners who contacted me, and are not (yet) known facts.
More information as I get it. Check back for updates.