Deputy British Prime Minister Tells UK Citizens "Stock Up" on Candles and Batteries for Grid Down Situation

Deputy British Prime Minister Tells UK Citizens "Stock Up" on Candles and Batteries for Grid Down Situation

People should stock up on battery-powered radios and torches (Flashlights), as well as candles and first aid kits in order to prepare for power cuts or digital communications going down, the deputy prime minister reportedly said.

According to the Times, Oliver Dowden described the supplies as “analogue capabilities that it makes sense to retain” in a digital age during a visit to Porton Down, the UK’s military laboratory. 

Dowden made the visit to coincide with his first annual risk and resilience statement, which he had promised to give last year when launching the government’s UK resilience framework.

As part of the statement, he announced the launch of a national “resilience academy” to help people and businesses prepare for future pandemics, natural disasters, and cyber-attacks.

While preparedness is always a good idea, the TIMING of this public relations push is worrisome.  Oh, it __is__ a "public relations PUSH."  Social media "influencer" accounts are already broadcasting this on almost __every__ social media outlet.

In case of "grid meltdown."

Interesting choice of words.




and still more . . . 

Hal Turner Remarks

YOU are smart people; that's why you come to this website.  So ask yourselves: Why this and why now?

Today is December 5.  What is it that's coming down the pike, that would cause Britain's Deputy Prime Minister to do a big PR push on __this__ right now?

All of you know that when governments begin doing things like this, it is absolutely NOT because they care.   It is __usually__ because they already know something big and bad is coming and they want to lessen GOVERNMENT's burden when it comes!

So, is it the Ukraine-Russia thing?   We all know and see that Ukraine is losing fast and badly.   Are they planning a NATO intervention that will lead to immediate war?

We also all see the China-Taiwan situation.  Are they planning for that to GO HOT?

We also see the North Korea-South Korea situation worsening.

We see the ongoing Israel-Hamas debacle setting-up the Middle East for a massive conflagration.

Late last week, we saw Venezuela start moving troops to possibly invade and seize a part of neighboring Guyana.

This past weekend, we saw swift-deployment of US Troops from Moody Air Force Base near Valdosta, Georgia USA, deploy on two hours notice to Kosovo.

Of course, there's the $146 TRILLION "Equity Swap" on the books of a major European Bank coming due December 15 . . . . which could collapse the entire Global financial system.

Too many things are now happening.  Everything points to a gigantic upheaval of our way of life.  Soon.

Is it any one of these situations that's going to blow-up?   Or . . . . is it . . . . .  ALL OF THEM -- at once?

I'm not sure about the answer, but today's "push" for UK citizens to "Prep" tells me whatever is coming, is coming fast.

I earnestly hope all of YOU have emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on, a generator for electric power, fuel for that generator, COMMUNICATIONS GEAR like a CB or HAM radio, with antenna(s) for home and car, and above all else, a PLAN.   An actual plan for you and your loved ones about what you will ALL do -- or where you will all meet -- if TSHTF.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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