Deputy Speaker of Russian Senate: West Faces EXISTENTIAL CHOICE; Continue Suicidal Strategy or Engage Self Preservation

Deputy Speaker of Russian Senate: West Faces EXISTENTIAL CHOICE; Continue Suicidal Strategy or Engage Self Preservation

Konstantin Kosachev, the Deputy Speaker of Russia's Federation Council (Senate) said this week the West will soon face an EXISTENTIAL choice: It can continue with a SUICIDAL strategy (in Ukraine) or apply SELF PRESERVATION.  He's talking about us all . . . being killed.

Western countries are standing at a crossroads and must decide whether they want to continue pursuing selfish policies that address only their own security, or recognize that this is a dead-end track, the vice speaker of upper chamber of the Russian parliament, Konstantin Kosachev, said on Tuesday.

Writing on Telegram, Kosachev, who also chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, said that “sooner or later, the West will have to make an existential choice between catering for only its own interests, “or admitting that this suicidal strategy has exhausted itself.”

The senator noted that a return to the principle of “indivisibility of security architecture” was the only path forward. Kosachev explained that this means a “deliberate refusal to ensure one’s own security at the expense” of other countries, adding that it serves “as a cornerstone” for all complex diplomatic arrangements.

The vice speaker also claimed that there is a rift between Western countries on this issue. He pointed to the statements made by French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on the need for a new security framework after the Ukraine conflict ends.

According to Kosachev, these remarks “suggest that there are still remnants of common sense and a sense of self-preservation in France and Germany, which are behaving more responsibly.” That sentiment, however, is not shared by a number of other EU countries, including the Baltic nations and Poland, he stated.

Earlier this month, Macron expressed the view that NATO should prepare security guarantees for Russia after the Ukraine conflict is settled. Around the same time, Scholz noted that peace in Europe depends on the revival of post-Cold War security arrangements with Russia.

Reuters reported on Monday, citing sources, that the three Baltic states, along with Poland and Slovakia, had officially lodged their disapproval of the French leader’s remarks on making guarantees to Moscow. The same day, Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Pawel Jablonski said that Russia should not expect such promises from other nations, arguing that Moscow has to ensure the safety of the EU, and not the other way around.

Hal Turner Analysis and Opinion

"Existential choice:" Whether we continue to exist.

"Suicidal Strategy" A strategy that is going to get us killed.

"Self Preservation:" Saving our own lives . . . .

The Deputy Speaker of the Russian Federation Council is talking about us existing no more because our strategy is suicidal and that only France and Germany show any sign of self-preservation.  These words are from a high ranking official in a country that can actually DO what he is talking about.

US and Western government public servants are leading us into our own deaths with their obsession over Ukraine and what they're trying to do to Russia.  Russia is actually SAYING these words now; that's how far this situation has gone.

Do YOU want to face the end of your existence because the US government and governments in Europe are acting so badly?  Do YOU have any clue their actions are so aggressive that Russia views them as almost being suicidal?  Do YOU have any sense of self-Preservation?  Because according to Deputy Speaker Kosachev, YOUR self-preservation seems to be at stake.

Words like this are not generally spoken in world affairs.  Yet these are, in fact, the precise words now being used by Russian leadership.

Were you even AWARE that the US and European Governments had pushed things this far?

You would do well to get up off your butt and start telling American and European officials their behavior is heading toward getting millions of us killed.

It was just Tuesday that Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Russia-1 TV that Russia has arrived at a stop called "confrontation" and they are not shying away from that.

IT was later Tuesday that Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov said relations between Russia and the West has past "the point of no return."

Folks, this is literally Doomsday language.  From three top Russian officials - none of whom is Putin.  

Things are escalating out of control - fast.   Our governments are going to get a whole lot of us killed.

We, as regular citizens, must step-up for our own self preservation, and demand the US government and European governments cease their suicidal strategy.  It's almost too late but there still may be time, if we all take action, now.



To demonstrate just how serious the situation actually is, the Russian Ministry of Defense revealed this week that TWO Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM's) were loaded into new silos in Kozelsk, Russia in the past two days!   Each "YARS" missile carries eight (8) nuclear warheads.  Each of those warheads has an explosive yield of 800 kilotons.  So between those two new missiles, Russia can vaporize sixteen separate targets!

 This is not "posturing."  This is not a game.  Those are real missiles and Russia is openly telling us in the West, we are coming to an "existential choice."  Our continued existence is rapidly becoming questionable.




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Harold C. Turner

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