EU ambassadors are unanimously ignoring an invitation to talk from Lavrov

MACHINE-TRANSLATED FROM DER-SPEIGEL IN GERMANY -- The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited EU ambassadors to speak to Foreign Minister Lavrov, but EU ambassadors have canceled their participation. Russia says it will have "terrible consequences.

Ambassadors sent to other countries are primarily responsible for being in contact with the government of their host country. They prepare meetings of politicians, negotiate economic issues, but of course also cultural and other issues. But their most important task is to contact the government of the host country.

Ambassadors must not interfere in the internal affairs of their host country. The UN Charter, i.e. the basis of international law, clearly defines this in Article 2. However, this does not prevent the ambassadors of the EU and its member states from interfering in Russian affairs by supporting the radical Russian opposition or making LGBT propaganda, which is prohibited in Russia. For the sake of completeness, LGBT is not banned or punished even in Russia, there are gay clubs and so on. It is only forbidden in Russia to propagate this.

Imagine that the Russian ambassador to Germany would interfere in German politics, support Reich citizens effectively, for example, and violate German laws. Would the federal government put up with it, or would it invite the Russian ambassador to speak and demand that he refrain from doing so?

That was also what the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs wanted to tell the EU ambassadors about the hot phase of the Russian presidential campaign, as Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov. March in an interview told:

„ Two days before the planned event, before the meeting, they sent us a note: ‚ We decided not to go there. ‘ Can you imagine relations with diplomatic countries whose ambassadors are afraid to meet the minister of the country where they are accredited? Where was that ever seen? “

Lavrov said that his ministry „ has gathered a lot of material on how EU embassies in Moscow are preparing for our presidential election, what mechanisms for interference “ they use and that „ any projects are created to support our non-systemic opponents “. And he said:

„ Overall, these are things that messages are not allowed to do. “

The arrogance of the EU

Thereupon a Russian business portal asked the EU embassy in Moscow and the following answer to get:

„ Our reaction followed the death of Alexei Navalny and after the EU's demands for an independent international investigation into the causes of death had not been considered. “

It is fascinating how arrogant the EU is. Would a western country accept an international investigation requested by Russia if a prisoner dies there in prison? For example, God forbid Julian Assange? And why is the EU coming the Russian demand not, to investigate the shooting down of the Russian Il-76 with 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war on board?

In its response, the Permanent Representation of the EU also referred to an extremely low level of trust „ and added:

„ We were invited to discuss EU-Russia relations, but Minister Lavrov is now saying that the conversation was about teaching us. This proves that we were right to reject the invitation. “

That raises two questions. First, why are there still ambassadors for the EU and its member states in Russia if they now even reject invitations to talk to their contact person, i.e. the Russian Foreign Minister? Secondly, who really makes foreign policy decisions in the EU if the EU can ensure that the ambassadors of all EU countries simply reject an invitation?

The official Russian reaction

Maria Sakharova, the spokeswoman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was at her regular Press conference asked about the scandal and I completely translated the question and its answer.

Start of translation:

Question: You mentioned that the EU ambassadors refused to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. What consequences will your actions have for you?

Sakharova: The consequences for them become terrible, terrible. If a professional diplomat loses his face, if everyone realizes that he has lost his professionalism and skills, then there is no compensation, in no way and in no form. They have to ascribe that to themselves.

You sincerely harm me for one reason. They have become hostages to their own regimes. Many of them have come a long way to become ambassadors for EU countries in the Russian Federation. It is a fact that experienced people are deployed to large countries, including members of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and nuclear powers. Given its size, our country should actually send specialists who have considerable experience. After many years of work, they all came to this position, this post. And they made their own states look stupid and bad. Not their peoples, but the regimes in their countries. Unfortunately, that happened. I don't think there is any other explanation.Whether they pinched themselves or whether their regimes showed them, it is always the same thing. They basically signed „ “ that they are not ambassadors for their countries.

What is a „ Ambassador “? An ambassador represents not only a specific organization, but the whole country as a whole. It is very important. It is not just someone who represents this or that political party or social movement that has appointed him. It is not someone who represents this or that ideology that is in power or in opposition. No, it is someone who represents the people of his country as a whole.

Who do they represent if they refuse to meet with the authority that is the counterpart for them? For them, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is primarily the source of all information, data, both on bilateral relations and on the position in multilateral formats. You did it all yourself and arranged it. This has the corresponding consequences.

The second point: it would be okay if they sealed themselves off on all fronts in our country and in principle didn't speak to anyone. That would be a strange attitude, self-torture, unprofessional. But at least you could see a certain logic in it. According to the motto, self-isolation according to the COVID 19 pandemic is not over yet. But they regularly take part in some marginal events and are making a fool of themselves in our country.

We treat the representatives of countries and peoples with respect, who are guided by the fact that they represent their countries in their entirety. The proposal to hold this meeting was made out of respect for their peoples. But our people, the people, the NGOs literally laugh at them. They have already become heroes of „ Memes “ or a kind of performance art.

Go online and enter „ American Ambassador to Moscow “. Who writes that? It is not the government, it is not some special institution that does it. These are people who find it funny how the ambassadors of the countries of the „ collective West “ have turned from diplomats into marginal ones who take part in any wild actions, that are not intended for intergovernmental communication.

They agitate within our society, interfere in internal affairs and become the „ clowns “ who are released before a rodeo, to warm up the dog handler or rider „ “ and entertain the audience. They become these clowns, run around in front of our audience and endlessly try to attract attention, stage a performance, participate in something, send their strange messages and appeals, that are hardly understood by our audience. They are constantly trying to lay flowers somewhere, to raise any „ rainbow flags “ above their messages and wherever possible. People are already laughing at them. They probably just don't understand it. Many of them speak little or no Russian. Maybe they just don't understand how to think about them.

If the US ambassador now publishes information on his official website, the Russians are said to be not afraid to take part in „ humanitarian actions “ by the US government. That is said to not harm your patriotism. How is that possible? Our brothers and sisters, our citizens, are killed with American weapons. Terrorist attacks against civil infrastructure occur regularly in Russian regions. Children die and you invite our country's citizens to participate in US government programs that guarantee, that their patriotism is not harmed? We decide for ourselves how we should deal with everything we should do with patriotism, how we can show it and how we should deal with all your programs.

This is sad, but was to be expected in view of the degradation that we have observed for many years in the diplomacy of the „ collective West “. The clearest example is Josep Borrell, who holds the post of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. All 27 EU countries are guided by it and give it the right to speak on its behalf on foreign policy issues. What is he chatting about? It turned out that even official representatives of the EU countries do not understand what he is saying. It turned out that it is not he who writes his column, but that someone writes it for him. I'm not sure if he's reading that at all. How does it work? What is that creepy performance?

What kind of diplomat is he? Have you ever heard a diplomat say that there is no place for diplomacy and that everything on the battlefield has to be decided? We always emphasize that we stand for peace, negotiations and, to the end, for a peaceful solution. Even though we are facing hybrid aggression from the United States. What did the head of European diplomacy say? Josep Borrell says the opposite and kills diplomacy.

Ursula von der Leyen, who also deals with the international relations of the EU, does she represent them? It enforces US policy within the EU. This is anti-diplomacy.

I would like to remind you of Liss Truss, who was Britain's Prime Minister for a month and a half and before that was Foreign Minister, diplomat of the Kingdom, for a year. Before that, she also held various senior positions in the British government for a short time. What kind of diplomacy is that? At a fateful moment, she came to very important negotiations in our country and did not even know that the Rostov and Voronezh regions were part of the Russian Federation. Is that normal? This happened during a conversation about the situation between Russia and Ukraine.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that she would not speak to Russia unless it turned 360 degrees and fundamentally changed its foreign policy. We turned 360 degrees, so what? We are waiting for active actions from Berlin. Where are they?

And she said that more than once. Either nobody tells her that she talks nonsense and stupid stuff, or she believes that they are all enemies who talk about their mistakes, and she has to resist that – I can't tell you that. But that's the level of „ diplomacy “. That was to be expected.

This is the degradation of western diplomacy in all its „ splendor “. What are they doing in the UN Security Council? They kill the Security Council by blocking obvious resolutions and only replacing them with sanctions. There is only one thing left for them: to decide on these endless sanctions that destroy diplomacy. Even more, these are not just sanctions, but part of the hybrid and economic war against our country.

End of translation



I've taken several hours to assess what is in the article above and, to me, it boils down to this:

The "Ambassadors" are acting like High School kids in a Clique:   "We're not talking to yooooooou."

It would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

Yet "pathetic" is not the only descriptor that comes to my mind.  "Dangerous" is another descriptor.

What these "Ambassadors" are doing is leading very explicitly to actual World War 3.  When Diplomacy ceases, generally, war commences.

When history writes the epitaph of our collective West, it may say something like "They destroyed themselves because children in adult bodies threw a temper tantrum and wouldn't talk Diplomatically."

To me, it's as though the Russians are the only adults in the room.

Our civilization is being lead down the road toward destruction my supposed "men" who choose to act like high school children.  




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