FLASH: Black flag is risen on Razavi Shrine - Islam is going to all-out war

FLASH: Black flag is risen on Razavi Shrine - Islam is going to all-out war

With the bombing of Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza, which killed over 500, and is being BLAMED on Israel and the U.S., the black flag is risen on Razavi Shrine in Mashhad, Khorasan province, Iran, shown above.  This is in Islamic Scripture!

"When the black flags come from Khorasan go to them, even if you have to crawl on snow, for among them is the Khalifa from Allah, the Mahdi"

— Abd al-‘Alim in al-Mahdi al-Muntazar

In the image below, a workman raises the Black flag atop the Shrine:

This is a Scripture-based (Qur'an) call to all of Islam for War.

As far as I know this is the sign of alert to the people of Mashad, Iran that coming days might be hard so be prepared to fight any circumstances. Imam Reza (a) shrine is the center of attention and respect to all living in Iran & so any major announcements are done there.

Even the President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi has spoken of it: "The flames of US-Israeli bombs dropped tonight on innocent Palestinians being treated for injuries in Gaza's hospital will soon engulf the Zionists. No free human being’s silence is permissible in the face of such a war…"

So far the Governments of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, and Qatar have all Blamed the Israeli Air Force for the Explosion at Al-Ahli Arab Baptist Hospital.

The group Hezbollah, blaming Israel and the USA, has called for a "Day of Rage worldwide, tomorrow:

The call for war has been heard.

Istanbul; the Israeli Embassy is being stormed:

Beirut, Lebanon:

Barcelona, Spain:


Hundreds of vehicles are heading to the Kürecik Radar Base in Malatya-Turkey, where US soldiers are stationed:

At the base already, thousands of protesters are being hit with Tear Gas by police, trying to stop them from storming the base:

Back at the scene of the hospital blast:

From U.S. Military Experts with whom I have spoken, the GENERAL CONSENSUS IS:

1) It was well known that Hamas had operations and weapons storage areas in the sub-basement of this hospital, and tunnels connected to it. CBS "60 Minutes" even did a segment talking about it in the late 2000's.

2) The Israeli's gave notice and warning that this hospital was going to be targeted well in advance.

3) Rockets were launched against Israel shortly before the bomb arrived from the very spot it hit.

General consensus is that it was hit by a US JDAM. the arrival sound is unique.

Question is, who fired it? Israel or the US Navy?


"It was a JDAM"

Foreign Minister: "Time is up"

Tonight, Iran's Foreign Minister told assembled media "Time is up."

Hal Turner Remarks:   Folks, this is shaking me to my very core.  I now believe Peace has been taken from the whole earth.  I earnestly hope YOU have prepared.  I suspect and deeply fear, this shockwave of anger will reverberate around our entire planet.  NONE of us is safe.

Get right with God.  Clean your guns.  Zero their sights.  Prepare mentally.  There is no telling WHERE this anger will erupt, or who will be attacked when it does.  YOU must be ready to protect yourself, your family, and your property against all who would do you harm.

DO NOT INITIATE VIOLENCE.  Merely prepare, mentally and physically, to do what must be done in the event you are attacked.



As shown in the video below, United Nations Peacekeeper forces in Lebanon, UNIFIL, are URGENTLY evacuating all their bases.  Word on the ground over there is that full scale war begins tonight.

Rage is already spinning out of control   The video below is from Tehran, Iran at 3:00 AM their time, which was 7:00 PM eastern US time:

Baghdad, Iraq:

Cairo, Egypt:


***** FLASH *****

Embassies Under Attack - 8:43 PM EDT

Attacks are currently being reported at:

- Israeli Embassy in Turkey  

- Israeli Embassy in Jordan  

- US Embassy in Lebanon  

-  Embassy in Iraq  

- French Embassy in Iran  

- British Embassy in Iran 

 Iran’s govt declares tomorrow, Wednesday, a day of mourning across the country, strongly condemns the attack on a hospital in Gaza, urges Muslim countries to sever ties with Israel and expel its ambassadors.


UPDATE 11:01 PM EDT --

As mentioned on my radio show, I have just gotten back from the Bank ATM, where I withdrew some cash.   It seems to me the way things are going, there's really no telling what may begin to take place here in the US now that we are being blamed along side Israel, for the hospital attack and deaths.   I worry there may be actual terror attacks upon us; and who the heck would know where?  Or when?   Or WHAT?  

Maybe there could be CYBER ATTACKS that maybe take out some banks; or all the banks.  I just don't know.   

So I figure having some cash on hand is better than not having it, so I went out after my show tonight and got some.  I think you should too. 

A few days from now, as we get to see how this shakes out, we can always put the cash back in.   Better to have it, and not need it, than to need it and not have it.


Resuming some updates, now:

The Iran Embassy in Syria is repeating the words of their Foreign Minister: "Time is up."   HOWEVER . . .  please note their posting is in . . . . HEBREW!

Protesters launching fireworks at Israeli Embassy, Istanbul:

***** BULLETIN *****

Iran foreign minister warns 'preemptive action' against Israel expected within hours:


For what it's worth, at 7:00 PM EDT tonight, UN Sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile and drone program expired (7pm ET, 12am GMT).

Iran can now legally buy an ICBM from China or sell missiles/drones to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Russia.




U.S. evacuating ALL non-essential personnel from Lebanon


UPDATE 11:22 PM EDT --

Sergeant-at-Arms for United States House of Representatives announces increased security at US Capital:



Jordan's King says what happened at Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital is a 'massacre' and 'war crime', with the conflict entering a dangerous phase that could drag the region into a 'catastrophe'.



U.S. Embassies being "Over-run"



Ottawa preparing for possible evacuations from Lebanon but warning Canadians to leave now


Live Updates now TERMINATED for this story 11:40 PM EDT.  Good night.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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