UPDATED 7:23 PM EDT -- ***** FLASH ***** Israeli Jets Landing on Cyprus after Lebanon Bombings

UPDATED 7:23 PM EDT --  *****  FLASH  *****  Israeli Jets Landing on Cyprus after Lebanon Bombings

Fighter Jets of the Israeli Air Force are now landing at a reportedly BRITISH base on the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea, after Bombing attacks upon Lebanon.  This is the worst possible development because  if Hezbollah makes good on their warning to attack Cyprus, NATO Article 5 gets invoked by Britain.

Images, REPORTEDLY of IDF fighter jets landing on Cyprus (not verified), are all over Social media at this hour.  Here is one such UNVERIFIED image being circulated on social media:

If those planes are, in fact, landing at a BRITISH air base on Cyprus, all hell is about to break loose.

Hezbollah made clear months ago, that if the Israelis use base(s) on Cyprus, to attack them in Lebanon, that Hezbollah will attack Cyprus with long range missiles.

If Hezbollah does that, and hits a BRITISH base, the British will invoke NATO Treaty, Article 5, Collective Self-Defense.  Lebanon would be bombed to the stone age.

More info as I get it . . . .

-- The Israeli government has announced the declaration of a special emergency situation throughout all of Israel for at least the next week. Without actually saying it…they are at war.

-- The Jordanian Civil Aviation Authority has announced that all Flights between Amman and Beirut have been Suspended.

-- Massive Haifa attacks again:

-- Reports of an impact near the Haifa University. 

-- Rocket sirens sounding in at least 51 areas in northern Israel.

-- Senior Israeli official: "This is just the promo; we have tens of thousands of more targets."

-- CURRENT ASSESSMENTS IN ISRAEL: - The elimination of Nasrallah (Leader of Hezbollah) is also on the agenda

- Iran may join the campaign against Israel Iranian Foreign Minister: "We will not remain indifferent and will stand by the Palestinian and Lebanese people."

-- Since this morning, the Israeli Air Force has struck more than 1,100 Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, the IDF says. IAF fighter jets and drones launched more than 1,400 munitions at the Hezbollah targets, which according to the IDF included buildings and other sites where Hezbollah had stored rockets, missiles, launchers, and drones that "posed a threat and were intended to have been used against Israel." The military says that the IAF is continuing to target hundreds more Hezbollah sites tonight.

-- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the possibility of going after Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, "Everyone is in the crosshairs."


The IDF states that "Over a million Israeli civilians are running to bomb shelters in Haifa as Hezbollah indiscriminately fires rockets."
The population of Israel is about 9 million, thus, if no hyperbolic statements, IDF states over 10% of its population is currently in, or arriving to, bomb shelters.

-- The IDF made it a point to bomb a Christian Church in Baalbek, Lebanon today. Photo below:

All you Christian Zionists, this was for you . . . to remind you that you're supporting those who hate Christ, and that you're so utterly brainwashed, you cheer them on as they bomb His Church!

Oh my, did I just offend your delicate little sensibilities?  Well then, maybe this will help:\

The people you support are so uniquely EVIL, they're conducting BOAT TOURS for people to Sight See the bombed out Gaza Strip!

-- The USS CVN 75 Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier left her home port in Norfolk, Va., today, and along with three escort ships, headed for the Middle East.



REUTERS is now confirming what I reported two hours ago, IDF Jets making landings at air field in Cyprus because Hezbollah attacks have damaged runways at Israeli bases!

-- 356 KILLED and at least 1,246 wounded, including children, and women, in the ongoing attacks by Israeli today, on Lebanon



492 people have been killed, including 35 children and 58 women, in the ongoing Israeli raids on towns and villages in southern Lebanon, with 1645 citizens injured, the Emergency Situations Center of the Lebanese Ministry of Health said.


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