FLASH: "Russia-US relations are at breaking point"

FLASH: "Russia-US relations are at breaking point"

For days, word has been seeping-out that the US and Russia have been communicating behind the scenes, at the Department Level, regarding primarily the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  At least one time during this process, Presidents Trump and Putin spoke with each other.   Today, something bad happened.

For some reason, not yet known, Sergei Ryabkov, the Deputy Foreign Minister, stated today "Russia-US relations are at breaking point."

Ryabkov said Russia repeatedly voiced that Moscow-Washington ties are "balancing on the brink of a rupture," and that the administration under former President Joe Biden "bet on a hybrid war" with the goal of inflicting a "strategic defeat" on Russia.

He also commented on US President Donald Trump’s team, saying that despite contradictions in their statements, they at least show interest in resuming dialogue with Russia.

“We are ready for dialogue, as we have stated repeatedly, including discussions on a settlement in Ukraine. But this can only happen on an equal and mutually acceptable basis,” he added.

The deputy minister emphasized the need to recognize the realities on the ground and address the root causes of the crisis for any resolution.

“We have previously mentioned that there is at least a small window of opportunity for normalizing Russia-US relations under the Trump administration. Whether the US seizes this opportunity depends entirely on them,” he said.

Ryabkov also warned against the use of ultimatums and aggressive rhetoric in negotiations with Russia.
The language of ultimatums, provocative statements, and attempts to make us accept unrealistic demands in exchange for supposed favors will not work in relations and dialogue with Russia,” he said.


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