Former President of France Admits: Minsk Agreements Were to DECEIVE Russia; Allow Ukraine to build for war

Former President of France Admits: Minsk Agreements Were to DECEIVE Russia; Allow Ukraine to build for war

In an interview with the "Kyiv Independent" newspaper, former President of France, Francois Hollande, claimed that the Minsk agreements had brought Russia to diplomatic territory, leaving Kiev's army time to strengthen. An admission contradicting the peaceful declarations of the time. 

While Vladimir Putin was advancing in the Donbass using the pro-Russian separatists ( ... ) "we led him to accept the Normandy format and to come to Minsk for the negotiations." said Hollande. 

The former French president aligned himself with Angela Merkel who, December 7 in an interview at "Die Zeit," claimed that the Minsk agreements had been  "an attempt to give Ukraine time" to strengthen militarily for a future confrontation with Moscow.

Officially, these agreements, signed on September 5, 2014 were concluded with the stated objective of restoring peace between Kiev and the Donbass Republics. That conflict left nearly 15,000 ( civilians and soldiers ) dead between 2014 and 2022.

To the question of whether the Minsk negotiations were intended to delay Russian progress in Ukraine, François Hollande replied in the affirmative: « "Yes, Angela Merkel is right on this point. The Minsk agreements stopped the Russian offensive for a time. What was important was how the West would use this respite to prevent any subsequent Russian attempt."

 Holland claims to have enabled the strengthening of the Ukrainian army, a respite that the West and Kiev seem to have taken advantage of:  "Since 2014, Ukraine has strengthened its military capabilities. Indeed, the Ukrainian army is completely different from that of 2014. She is better trained and better equipped. It is the merit of the Minsk agreements to have given the Ukrainian army this opportunity" he said.

According to him, the latter also prevented the area controlled by the separatists from expanding. In winter 2015, they were at the gates of Marioupol and had just won two decisive battles, taking over Donetsk airport and the city of Debaltsevo. 

Regretting divisions within the EU and German ambiguity, refusing to question the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, François Hollande reports today that he was in favor of maximum sanctions, recalling that he himself had canceled the sale of Mistral ships to Russia in 2014.

In 2022, trust between Moscow and the West disappeared. Strangely, François Hollande, who believes that a lasting solution is necessary for peace in Ukraine, completes his remarks by affirming that "the Minsk agreements can be resuscitated to establish a legal framework already accepted by all the parties."

Angela Merkel's confession, however, already provoked a strong reaction from Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 9. Putin said "Trust is almost nonexistent, but after such statements, a question of trust arises: how to negotiate, on what, and if it is possible to negotiate with someone, what are the guarantees?"  Putin went on to say "I still hoped that the other stakeholders in this process were sincere with us. It turns out that they also cheated on us. It was only a question of strengthening Ukraine with weapons, by preparing it for hostilities" he added.

Vladimir Putin then estimated that in view of these new facts, Moscow should have, perhaps, had to launch its military operation in Ukraine earlier, stressing that Russia, for its part, hoped to be able to resolve the conflict in the Donbass through the Minsk Agreements. 

Hal Turner Analysis and Editorial Opinion

So there you have it: Both Angela Merkel of Germany, and Francois Hollande of France, personally KNEW they were attending the Minsk Negotiations as a ruse, as a deception, for the express purpose of buying time for Ukraine to prepare for . . . .  WAR . . .  with Russia.   The very war which is taking place right now.

Back in February of 2022, when Russia finally sent its troops into Ukraine, both France and Germany, along with the United States, feigned horror that Russia was engaging in battle, when all along, that was the precise goal of Germany, France, and without doubt, the United States and the rest of NATO.  Their "shock" at Russia using its military, was phony.  They not only knew Russia was going to act militarily, it was THEY who set the entire stage for it!

In my opinion, this was a criminal conspiracy to facilitate war.

Some may argue that both Merkel and Hollande enjoy Sovereign Immunity.  They do not.   Fraud vitiates everything, and both Merkel and Hollande perpetrated premeditated and willful fraud upon the peoples of Europe, Russia, and America, as the very crux of their meetings in Minsk, Belarus back in 2014.

The fraud perpetrated by Merkel and Hollande has cost the people of the United States, tens-of-billions of dollars in war support for Ukraine, cost Ukraine hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers, cost Russia tens-of-thousands of dead soldiers and countless billions in war costs.  The consumers in both Europe and America have had to pay Billions more in increased costs for natural gas, oil, gasoline, and diesel fuel as a result of the Sanctions imposed, over a war, they planned to start!

I want Merkel and Hollande criminally prosecuted at the world court, for Fraud and criminal conspiracy to facilitate war.  And if such a prosecution takes place, it will be interesting to find out what role then-U.S.-President Barack Obama played in this fraud.  It seems to me that neither France nor Germany would have engaged in such acts without the express approval of the United States.

Merkel, Hollande, and likely Barack Obama, belong in prison for the rest of their lives because the war they deliberately facilitated has killed hundreds of thousands of people, whom they used as pawns for their "sport of kings" -- war.



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