France Tells Citizens "Leave Iran Immediately"

France Tells Citizens "Leave Iran Immediately"

This morning, the government of France began telling its citizens to "Leave Iran Immediately."

This may have to do with President Trump's letter to the Ayatollah Khamenei, which reportedly told Iran the United States will give them two months to negotiate a new nuclear deal.

Iran is not likely to engage in any negotiations with the US because the last deal it negotiated, the US pulled-out of.  Further, the Iran government publicly stated they will not engage in negotiations under threat or while they are suffering severe economic sanctions.

Today's warning by France to its citizens seems more likely related to what the state of Israel may do.

On March 1, 2025, this website reported a LEAK of Top-Secret, Classified documents showing Israel was in the final stages of planning an enormous attack upon Iran. (Story Here)

It seems possible that Israel is planning to undertake some military action, which France perhaps has become aware of, which may be why the French told their citizens to "Leave Iran Immediately."

If Israel attacks Iran (again) the Iranians have made clear they will unleash a full military missile response against the entire landmass of Israel, starting with the Israeli nuclear center at Dimona.





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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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