A TORNADO fighter jet from Germany, has been photographed outside Edwards Air Force Base in the U.S., carrying a B-61-12 nuclear bomb TRAINER.
These "TRAINERS" mimic the size and weight of such weapons, so pilots can get used to what the plane feels like, and how it maneuvers, when carrying such a bomb.
It is important to point out that when the U.S. approved the transfer by NATO Allies of "Donated" F-16 Fighter Jets to Ukraine, the U.S. DEMANDED that only F-16's with the necessary modification enabling them to carry the B-61 Nuclear Bomb, would be allowed to be transferred to Ukraine.
Now, we're letting GERMAN Fighter Pilots train on flying with such nuclear bombs as well.
Why do you think the U.S. is doing these things?
I think it's because the U.S. intends to strike Russia with nuclear weapons.
Which, it seems to me, also means we will get struck back. Here. Inside the USA.
Just thought you should know what your government is presently working on -- in your name and on your behalf.