Gunmen in combat fatigues open fire at Moscow concert hall, 50 dead, 50 injured reported. Hall is on fire, roof collapsing

Gunmen in combat fatigues open fire at Moscow concert hall, 50 dead, 50 injured reported. Hall is on fire, roof collapsing

Russian media report a shooting accident in Krokus City Hall in Moscow before a concert. Reportedly, three camouflaged persons started shooting at people. About 50 people are reported dead, over 50 injured.

In brief video below, gunmen can be seen and heard firing as they entered the concert hall main entrance:

A large fire has started, and the roof of the massive concert hall is starting to collapse - Russian media.

Video of that fire is being recorded by motorists passing the venue from a nearby road:

This mass-shooting comes just a short week or so after the U.S. Embassy in Moscow issued a PUBLIC WARNING to Americans to avoid large public crowds and events over info that a "terrorist attack" was being planned.  That warning explicitly mentioned "concerts."

Headlines in the British newspaper "Express" also warned Brits on March 8 to "leave Russia immediately" as seen in the screenshot below:

Now, that has come true.

What did the U.S. know, and when did they know it?  Was that potential terror-attack info shared with Russian authorities?

Developing . . . .


More video is emerging from inside the venue where the shooting took place:

and a second camera from inside the main lobby as gunmen entered the facility:

 UPDATE 3:24 PM EDT --

Russia FSB is confirming that as of now, forty (40) people are CONFIRMED DEAD and over 100 are injured.


Eye witness (verbatim):

“At least five people, bearded. They act like prepared and trained militants. As they entered the building, they killed the guards and people standing at the doors. Then they blocked the main entrance.

The terrorists are armed with AKM assault rifles. Some carry loads of various ammunition. At least two of the attackers were carrying backpacks, possibly containing Molotov cocktails."


3:31 PM EDT -- The utter cold-blooded brutality of the shooters can be seen in this HIDEOUS video below, from the main lobby of the concert hall; WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC VIDEO OF ACTUAL MURDERS . . . Viewer discretion is advised:


3:51 PM EDT -- Concertgoers who have been Evacuated from the Crocus Concert Hall in Moscow have described the between 5-10 Terrorists who Attacked the Hall to have had Large Black Beards, Bulletproof Vests, and Machineguns while Shooting anyone at Point-Blank Range.

Enhanced security measures are being implemented across Russia. Mass events are being cancelled in multiple Russian regions.

"Preliminarily, one of the suspects in the terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk has been detained" but it is VERY EARLY in this horrific situation and this person MAY NOT be involved.



Moscow Police have what they say is one of the cars the terrorists arrived in.   The car is said to have explosives in it.   Bomb Squad enroute.

-- Calls are coming in from different parts of Moscow from injured people who managed to escape from the Crocus City Hall, according to Moskovskij Komsomolets. Some of them have suffered gunshot wounds


********** FLASH ***********

"Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev:

“To the families of those killed in the terrorist attack, sincere condolences and sincere strength to all the loved ones of the victims.

Terrorists understand only retaliatory terror. No trials or investigations will help if force is not countered by force, and deaths by total executions of terrorists and repressions against their families. World experience.

If it is established that these are terrorists of the Kyiv regime, it is impossible to deal with them and their ideological inspirers differently. All of them must be found and mercilessly destroyed as terrorists. Including officials of the state that committed such atrocity.

Death for death."



Russian Media is now reporting that 5 Employees of the Crocus Concert Hall and Shopping Center have been Arrested by Law Enforcement for Questioning in regards to the ongoing Terrorist Attack.
-- a “suspicious white minibus Ukrainian license plates” was found at the parking lot of the concert hall




Russian senator Bondarev tells RIA Novosti that he considers what happened at the Crocus City Hall a terrorist attack conducted by Ukraine.

-- The Russian National Guard and Police established Checkpoints at Key Intersections around the Capital of Moscow and at Exits from the City, in order to hopefully find several of Attackers from tonight’s Terrorist Attack on the Crocus Concert Hall who are believed to have Fled the Venue. 


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