Has NATO Chief Gone Delusional?

Has NATO Chief Gone Delusional?

NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg today told an interviewer from FOREIGN POLICY "NATO will not be part of the (Russia-Ukraine) conflict if alliance countries allow Ukraine to strike at Russian territory with western-supplied weapons."

Apparently, Stoltenberg fails to acknowledge those western-supplied weapons NEED western military satellites to guide them on their trip to attacking Russian targets.

Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed this out last Thursday in a brief TV interview and Putin made clear "Western weapons need satellites to operate and Ukraine doesn't have any."  He went on to make clear that f western weapons are used to attack Russia, then that would be NATO attacking.

Russia points out that Ukraine using western (NATO) satellites for attacks inside Russia makes NATO a party to the conflict.

Today, Stoltenberg says it does not.   Has he become delusional?

Perhaps.  Perhaps not.  Do you see the look on his face in the photo above.  Is THAT a "Deer in the headlights" look?  Sure seems like it to me.

If I'm right about that look, then his own body shows he doesn't believe what he's saying!

Regardless of whether he's delusional or not, do you see where this is going?


Hal Turner Analysis

For those who are not too bright, let me tell you where I think this is going:

I believe Ukraine will, in fact, use western-supplied weapons to attack deep into Russia.

I also believe Russia will do a quick forensic analysis of the missile debris, identify the missiles and from that identification, will know immediately if those missiles required western satellites to guide them.

Once Russia determines those missiles used western (NATO) satellites, I believe Russia is almost certainly going to strike NATO targets.

Then, thanks to Stoltenberg's utter refusal to accept the reality he and his NATO pals created, he and NATO will scream "We've been attacked by Russia" and off to war we all go.

It could all take place THIS WEEK.  It all depends on how soon Ukraine attacks Russia with western weapons.

My fellow Americans should realize that this war is probably going to be very different from all the others they've heard about all their lives.  THIS war, will very likely see targets here in the United States, being hit by submarine-launched Russian missiles.

Explosions. Death. Destruction.  HERE, in America.


Our mass-media, is almost completely silent about all these escalations and developments.

If you have not yet prepared with Emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on, a generator to keep your refrigerator/freezers running when the electric grid goes down, fuel for that generator, a First-Aid kit for cuts, bruises, or catastrophic war wounds, Communications gear like a CB or HAM radio (for when comms go down), Flashlights for each room in the house or for each family member, a portable radio for news and information -- and SPARE BATTERIES for those flashlights and radio . . . then you will not have any chance at all of surviving when TSHTF.

You should also make it a point to keep some CASH MONEY stashed somewhere in the house.  Because once things go bad, and networks get knocked offline, your credit and debit cards WON'T WORK.

ATM'S WILL BE OFFLINE,  and no one in their right mind is going to be accepting checks.


I am not a Religious man, But . . . 

Get right with God.  At least TRY!

If you're like me, you have not been a "religious" person much, if at all, for most of your life.  You can take a few minutes, lock yourself in a bathroom if you have to so as to have privacy, get down on your knees and pray. Whisper the words, don't just think them.  He's got to HEAR you.   And you ., . . . you have to hear you too.   

It doesn't have to be some formal prayer . . . tell Him what's going on with you, with your life.  Mistakes you've made.  Bad decisions you made.  Tell him you're sorry and you're going to do better.  Ask his forgiveness and ask him to guide you.

This isn't rocket science.  He's God.  He made you.   He knows you already.  In fact, he knew each of us BEFORE we were even born.

But if you do nothing . . . . if you leave Him out of your life . . . .  then what do you think He's gonna do when it comes time to decide who he saves?   If you do nothing toward Him, can you really expect Him to do anything toward you?

Do yourself a favor, pray.  









This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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